I snort and pull her in for a hug. Something I’ve done hundreds of times over the last five years. Except, I’m not sure if it’s the fact we’re standing in our driveway or the knowledge that tonight, we’ll be sharing a bed, but this hug feels different. From the crush of Sorcha’s breasts against my chest to the fragrance of her shampoo, there’s so much…more. I cough and release her.
“All right, let’s get these bags inside and get everyone situated. Da invited us to join him and Nora for dinner tonight if you’re up for it.”
“That would be nice. I think we’ll all appreciate a home-cooked meal. Especially one I don’t have to cook.” She chuckles.
“If there’s one thing that Nora lives for, it is to feed everyone. She’s a fantastic cook and an even better baker. Apparently she’s attempting to teach Imogen a few recipes.” I mock-shudder and sling the boys’ bags over my shoulder and grab Sorcha’s suitcase. “All I can say is I’m glad Campbell is her guinea pig and not us. From what Nora says, the lessons aren’t going well. But my sister is as stubborn as the rest of us and determined to learn how to make one meal before she calls it quits.”
“I’d love to meet her.” She brings out Aisling’s luggage, and I close the door.
“I’ll ask her to stop by. Same with Caitlín. I also spoke to Lucia. She said to give her a call if you need help with getting the kids enrolled in school. Her oldest son is around Aisling’s age.”
“You’ve thought of everything haven’t you?” Sorcha walks beside me toward the house.
“Probably noteverything. Just whatever I can to make life easier for you. I know between losing your Da and now this, things have been hard. Aren’t friends supposed to be there for you when times are tough? To help you get through them?” I pause at the door and glance at her expectantly.
She huffs out a short laugh. “I think you’ve gone above and beyond a regular friendship.”
“What can I say? I’m an overachiever.”
“And so humble,” Sorcha deadpans.
I wink and open the door for her. It’s like I told her. Everything is going to be fine.
All dayI’ve been trying not to have a panic attack. Aidan’s brother Finn, his Da—I have to remember to call him Carrick—and Nora have been wonderful. They’re far more down-to-earth than I expected them to be. Carrick, especially, considering who he is. I appreciate how Finn has befriended the boys.
“I think that’s everything.” Aidan surveys Carson’s room and the boxes that the men he hired finished delivering a short time ago. “Go ahead and start unpacking and putting things wherever you want them.”
Kellen’s already doing the same in his room. The boys are over the moon that they have their own. It’s the first time ever. Although, I suspect tonight, and maybe a few more nights after, they’ll both wind up together in one room or the other. At least until they get used to having their own space.
Aidan’s hand goes to my lower back as we head down the hallway and then the stairs. He’s always been affectionate, but today it’s like he’s taking every opportunity he can to touch me. Little brushes across my arm here. Soft caresses of my fingers there. Every time he puts his hand on my back the heat that sears through me grows hotter. It’s enough to drive me insane. Has he always touched me this much?
“Breathe,” he whispers in my ear, his hot breath tickling the shell.
“I’m breathing.”
“You’re ten seconds from a freak out.”
I gasp. “Excuse me, it’s at least five minutes away.”
Aidan laughs. “Whether it’s ten seconds or five minutes, it’s too soon. Talk to me. What’s freaking you out?”
How do I tell him that I had no idea he planned on us sleeping in the same room? Kellen, Carson, and Aisling were all given their own and yet, each time, my only thought was “where’s mine?”. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions.
“I’m not freaking out,” I insist. “I’m just thinking.”
I hesitate. “Our sleeping arrangements. Everyone has gotten their own room except me.”
Aidan stops in the middle of the hallway and his gaze meets mine. He studies me for a second. “We’re getting married. Where else would you sleep but with me?”
My pulse races at the thought of lying in the same bed as him night after night. Of him leaning over to kiss me. A kiss that quickly flares into more. Already I can picture growing even more attached and then my heart breaking.
“But it’s not real.” I try one more desperate attempt. The lie is bitter on my tongue.