Page 15 of Aidan

She skips right past me with the pint of beer and delivers it to a table. I glance down and find a ticket for another order. Grabbing a glass, I set it under the tap and start filling it. She returns, pauses, and sighs in resignation. Like we’d done two nights ago, we form a rhythm and work together seamlessly, although Sorcha only speaks to me when she has to. I’ll take it. After the last customer leaves, we go through the closing ritual until the pub has been cleaned and ready for tomorrow.

Taking my chances, I come to stand next to her. “Will you hear me out now?”

She’s silent for a few seconds. “Let me check on the kids and I’ll be back down.”

I sit at one of the booths and wait, drumming my fingers on the tabletop. Nearly ten minutes later, Sorcha walks in from the kitchen and slides onto the seat across from me.

“Alright, talk,” she demands, not wasting time. “And let’s start by telling me your name.”

Fair request. “My name is Aidan Donnelly. My father is Carrick Donnelly and I have two brothers and a recently discovered half-sister.” I take a breath. “Nothing else I’ve told you about myself has been a lie.”

Sorcha raises both eyebrows. “So you’re really a security guard, then?”

If I could blush, I’d be doing it. “Technically, that’s not a lie. Sometimes I guard things.”

“Like what?”

I’m toeing an extremely thin here. “I don’t want to lie to you, but I also can’t share family business.”

To my surprise Sorcha appears to accept my answer. “Why do you hide your identity? I’d think you would want people to know who you are. I’m sure they’re afraid of your family’s name. You could certainly use that to your advantage.”

“That’s not always a good thing. Plus, we have enemies. Sometimes, it’s just easier.”

“It’s been five years. Once you knew you could trust me, why continue to keep the secret?” There’s hurt in her voice.

“Because I didn’t know how you’d react. Like you said, it’s been five years. Was I just supposed to blurt it out? How well do you think that would have gone over?” I don’t let her answer. “Probably about as well as it’s going now.”

“That wasn’t for you to decide. How do you expect me to believe anything that comes out of your mouth now?”Sorcha sags in her seat.

Neither of us say anything for a minute, because I don’t have an answer for her.

“I really am sorry I lied.” Apologizing and trying to figure out how to make it up to her are the only things I can do.

“You can be sorry all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact you did it.”

I sigh. “You’re right, I did.”

Silence settles between us again. It’s tense and uncomfortable. Something we’ve never been with each other. Not even when our friendship first began. We’ve always somehow fit together with no awkwardness.

“You said those guys won’t bother me again and to trust you. Let’s say I’m sorely lacking in the trust department at the moment. So, how do I know they’re gone for good? Or that someone else won’t show up trying to collect money that Da owed them?” Sorcha challenges me, which I can both appreciate, but also hate that I’ve made her feel like this.

“I told you how Liam Campbell took over Dónal Sheehan’s organization.” She nods. “Liam also happens to be Imogen’s…whatever he is. Either way, they’re together. I reminded him how unhappy she’d be if he and I were forced to go up against each other if he didn’t call his men off.”

“And what happens if they aren’t together anymore?” she prods. “Am I going to be back in the same position because you no longer have something to hold over his head?”

Things are going to go to shite more than they already are. I can tell. I rub the back of my neck.

“What aren’t you telling me, Aidan?”

“I’ve taken on the debt your Da owed Sheehan, and it will be paid by the end of the day tomorrow. You and the kids will be under the protection of my entire family.”

“Does your family even know about me?”

“Not at the moment. But they will. Especially once we’re married.”

“I’m sorry, when we’re what?”

“I told Liam you were my fiancée. He’s a ruthless prick and unless I gave him a good reason to back off, he won’t. He’d find some way to get around the threat of Imogen being pissed. That’s just how he is. He’s already making me prove we’re engaged. There’s always a price that has to be paid.”