Aidan’s Da rises, his hand still held firmly in Aisling’s. “ Call me Carrick. All of you. You’re family now.”
With that pronouncement, he leads us inside. Aidan leans close. “See? Nothing to worry about.”
I shoulder bump him, because we’ve only been here for five minutes. There’s plenty of time for things to go wrong. While Aisling leads the conversation in front of us, I slow until the boys come up beside me.
“So? What do you think?” I ask.
“This house is huge,” Carson stage-whispers, his gaze darting around.
Yes, it is. It’s a bit overwhelming in fact, which is why I keep my attention on them instead of what’s around me. I’ll have Aidan give me a tour when I’m a bit more settled. I glance at Kellen.
“What about you?”
He actually hesitates before finally speaking. “Do you think he’ll like us?”
I open my mouth, but Aidan beats me to it. “I know for a fact he already likes you.”
“How do you know that?” Kellen asks in an unsure tone.
“BecauseIlike you, and my Da knows I have excellent taste in friends. Besides, he doesn’t let everyone call him Carrick. Like he said, you’re family now and to us, that means everything.”
A little briberynever hurt anyone. It’s a smart strategy. Win the kids over and Sorcha will soon follow. Especially once she sees there’s nothing to worry about. With Da in the lead and still holding onto Aisling’s hand, we head straight for the kitchen. Of course, Nora is more than ready for us.
She turns at our arrival and wipes her hands on her apron. “Welcome.”
“Nora, this is Sorcha, Kellen, Carson, and Aisling.” I point at each of them as I say their name. “Nora is the best cook and baker in Dublin.”
She smirks, because we always give her over-the-top compliments when we want something, but her cheeks still turn pink.
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Sorcha says.
“You as well. Aidan has told me so much about the four of you.” Like Da, she gives Sorcha a hug and then faces the kids with a bright smile. “I hope you like biscuits.”
They all nod.
“Wonderful. When you get settled, come back and visit me and I’ll make sure you get some.”
“Thank you so much,” Sorcha tells Nora.
“Why don’t I show you to your rooms?” Da says. “Then Aidan can bring your bags in.”
He and Aisling leave first. I glance behind us and the boys still trail. It probably wouldn’t have been as quiet and with far less anxiety permeating the air if it was just the five of us, but it’s best to get the nerves out of the way first with the introduction to Da. Get all the uncomfortableness behind us. I’d told Sorcha that my family knew why we were engaged. Maybe I shouldn’t have. She’s been nothing but worried since. Except I’d also promised not to lie to her again.
Like I said, bribery doesn’t hurt anything. Which is why Finn is sitting in the common area playing a video game. Ply them all with what they love most. The boys’ eyes are trained on the giant screen. Already they’re salivating. After a quick introduction, we head for Aisling’s new room. On her bed are the drawing supplies Da teased.
She breaks away from him and rushes over to pick up each item. “Sorcha, look.”
“I see.” She crosses the room to admire everything.
“Why don’t I take the boys up to their rooms while you and Aisling explore in here? We’ll be right back.” She may not realize it, but I can sense her emotions and her overwhelm. There are tells.
Sorcha glances up, relief filling her eyes. “We’ll be here.”
Da walks with us. As we pass through the common area again, he glances at the twins. “Aidan tells me you two love video games.”