I’ve never responded well when being backed in a corner, but this time I’m not really sure there are any other options. I can’t afford to pay Da’s debt and I don’t fancy a return visit from those men. I shudder at the memory of the devil’s tongue on my skin. If his boss is anything like him, then he’s terrifying. How in god’s name is Aidan’s sister with someone like that?
“Let me talk to the kids. They have a right to know what’s going on before I make any decisions.” How do I explain something like this to them? Kellen is smart enough to figure out there’s more to what’s going on and he’ll tell Carson. There are no secrets that I’m aware of between them. That just leaves Aisling. She’ll be the easiest. She loves Aidan.
He squeezes my hand. “Everything is going to be fine.”
I force myself to smile and keep my eyes on his. If only he wasn’t such a gifted liar.
Why doesit feel like I’m lying to Sorcha? There’s an itch under my skin that won’t go away. She draws her hand out from under mine and stands.
“Come upstairs and I’ll make breakfast. The boys will probably be awake in a little while.”
I follow her up to the flat and into the kitchen. “What can I do to help?”
She waves me off. “Just have a seat and tell me about this family of yours. I should probably know more about them if there’s a chance I’ll be marrying into it.”
While Sorcha moves around the room and takes things from the fridge and cabinets, I talk. “What do you want to know?”
She glances over her shoulder at me with a small glare. “They’reyourfamily. What are the important things you think I should be aware of?”
If she’s going to be my wife, I guess I should start with the basics. “Carrick is my Da. He’s the head of our organization and is both respected and feared. He loves his family and isn’t afraid to show us he cares about us. He’s hard, but fair. Nora is his long-time lover who lives at our home. They started an affair while he was married to my mother, Kathleen, which resulted in my half-sister, Imogen. We only recently found out about her, though. She’d been raised by someone else who she always believed was her mother.”
“Lord, that sounds complicated,” Sorcha remarks.
“It’s been a lot for us to deal with. Especially with her and Campbell being a thing and the fact that until they got together, he was doing his damnedest to destroy our entire family and take over Dublin.”
She whistles. “I’m guessing that didn’t go over well?”
I chuckle. “There will probably always be animosity between him and us, but as long as he keeps his business to himself and we keep to ours, we’ll manage to remain civil. For Imogen and Nessa’s sake.”
“Who’s Nessa?”
“She’s Campbell’s stepsister, and if Cian has anything to say about it, she’ll be my brother’s fiancée soon as well.”
Sorcha turns, leans against the counter, and stares at me. “Let me get this straight. Your brother is soon to be engaged to your, for lack of a better word, adversary’s stepsister, and this same adversary also happens to be romantically involved with your half-sister?”
I nod slowly. “That’s pretty much it.”
She bursts out laughing. “I bet that makes family reunions awkward.”
“You have no idea. Although, we’ve all only been in a one room together twice and it became clear very quickly that it won’t become a regular occurrence. Too much bad blood.”
“I can imagine.” Sorcha goes back to preparing breakfast. “So, Cian is the oldest. He checks in on the various legitimate businesses we own and makes sure they’re all running smoothly. Finn runs and manages our casino. Takes care of the accounts and supervises all the employees.”
“And what do you do?” she asks.
WhatdoI do? Cian oversees our general operations and Finn is the one with the knack for numbers and business. Me? I’m the one with the artistic talent. What would Sorcha say if she knew that I create counterfeit artwork and then we sell it to unsuspecting victims for a fuck lot of money?
I shake myself out it and glance up at Sorcha. “Yeah, sorry. I’m security.”
“Security like a bodyguard or something?”
“Basically, yes. On occasion, I’ll work the floor of the casino and make sure tempers remain in check and that players behave themselves while in our establishment. If they have grievances with each other, they have to take it elsewhere.”