Page 10 of Aidan

Campbell snorts. “I don’tneedto do a fucking thing.”

I grit my teeth, because pushing will only make him push back that much harder. “I’ll pay the loan.”

That has him straightening in his chair and a calculating gleam enters his eyes. “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.”

My body goes rigid. “You’re such a bastard. Why not?”

“Yes, I am, and because I don’t want to. Two minutes.”

I stand up and lean into my palms on the desk until I’m in his face. “Call your men off or they’re both going to get a bullet in the back of their head. As will every man you send until they’re all dead or you start a war. I doubt Imogen will be too happy with you if your force her father and brothers to retaliate.”

A dangerous spark flares to life in his eyes. “I highly recommend you back the fuck up.”

My gaze drops to where his palm curls around the grip and his index finger lies alongside the trigger. I grin. “What? You gonna shoot me?”


I blink.

Campbell doesn’t.

Jaysus, he’s serious. I laugh, but I straighten. “You really are a psychopath.”

“Test me again and find out,” he snarls. “I may have promised Imogen I won’t kill any of you, but I never swore not to make you bleed. Your time is up. Now, get the fuck out of my house.”

“Ihighly recommendyou call off your men. Imogen will be displeased if she finds out they’re threatening the woman I’m going to marry.” With that pronouncement—where in Christ had that come from?—I turn and walk out of the room, trusting he won’t shoot me in the back.

Imogen stands at the end of the hall with her arms crossed, biting her lip. Since discovering she’s Cian’s, Finn’s, and my half-sister, we haven’t spoken much. It’s been awkward to say the least, especially since I’ve purposely been avoiding her. It’s a lot to take in. She walks with me to the front door.

“Is she really your fiancée?” Imogen asks when we reach it.

“Yes.” No. Maybe. Fuck.

She glances over my shoulder and meets my eyes again. “I’ll have him call them before we go back to sleep.”

I nod. “Thanks.”

Imogen smiles slightly. “Of course. I’d like to meet her one of these days.”

“I’ll see what I can arrange.”

Footsteps approach, but I don’t turn.

“Goodnight, Aidan.” She opens the door.


Despite the late hour, there’s no way I’m going to get any sleep. Plus, after promising Sorcha I’d take care of things, I told her I’d call. Once I’m on the road, I voice activate her number. She answers on the first ring. “Aidan?”

“Everything’s going to be fine. You don’t have to worry about those guys—or any others—again.”

She sobs. “Thank you. Buthow?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course.” Sorcha doesn’t hesitate.

“Then trust that I handled it.” She may trust me, but I don’t trust Campbell. Even with Imogen’s reassurance. “I’m on my way there.”