Page 85 of The Comeback Tour

Fortunately, Hope was great during the three-hour flight to Florida. But she is more than ready to flee the jet. She nearly pulls my arm off onto land as Jax grabs our carry-on bags. The summer Florida heat packs a punch to my face. I’ve only been in the humidity for a few minutes and I’m ready to find air-conditioning.

“You get used to it,” Jax tells me.

“I don’t know about that,” I say.

“We’ll check Florida off our list of potential residences.”

“I’m totally open to a vacation house, though.” I say this as if Jax and I have made some formal commitment to each other. Though we plan for the future in all aspects and have started down this path, we’re not yet engaged. I don’t know when, or if, that time will come, so I want to maintain level headedness. I’m not going to push the issue of marriage. I just got divorced and Jax might have that lingering in the back of his mind. Plus, this would be his first marriage and he is going to want to take all precautions.

We check into the dog-friendly hotel we’ll be staying at during our time in Florida. Jax wants us to have our personal space, but I look forward to meeting his family. After a quick nap and showers, we get ready to head over to the house Jax bought for his mom with his first big paycheck.

Jax opens the door for me to the luxury car we’re renting. He insisted we ride in it because after weeks of roughing it on a bus, he wants me to enjoy the finer things his lifestyle can offer. I am not going to argue.

As he turns the key to the ignition, Jax tells me, “We’re going to take a detour first. There’s something I want to show you.”

I love fun surprises. “Any hints?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see,” he says.

About 20 minutes of anticipation later, we pull up to a small white ranch house. There are a lot of palm trees on the property. I think I know where we’ve arrived. Jax takes my hand and says, “This was my grandma’s house where I grew up.”

I warm like a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies because Jax cares about me enough to show me this intimate part of his life. A place only those closest to him before fame had access. I ask Jax if he wants to get out and walk around, but he doesn’t want to draw too much attention. Instead, we pause and take it all in before getting back on the road to his mom’s house.

On the way, Jax tells me more stories about growing up there. When we arrive at his mom’s, which is situated in a gated community, it hits me how her life was also upgraded by her son’s success. The house Jax gave his mom is far from modest. It’s far bigger than the needs of any woman living alone. But I know it’s important to him to share his wealth.

Jax’s mom opens the door and starts to cry as soon as she sees him. It’s so sweet to see their bond. After she dries her eyes, she hugs me and welcomes me inside.

“It’s so nice to finally meet the woman who captured my son’s heart,” she tells me while Jax brings Hope to the yard.

“Jax has told me so much about you. I’m really glad I have the opportunity to meet you, Ms. Slater.” I immediately worry that they might not have the same last name. I would certainly consider changing my last name if my husband walked out on me. However, as a mother, I would also consider keeping the last name of my kid.

“You can call me Michelle, no formalities here. Did he tell you that you’re the first girl he’s brought here? That means he’s serious.”

“That makes two of us.” I’ve been wanting to talk to his mom in private so I take advantage of the opportunity. Her eyes widen with excitement as I quickly fill her in on an idea I have to celebrate Jax’s birthday. This covert mission will require secret texts so I have a feeling we’re going to get to know each other pretty well.

The rest of the afternoon and evening is spent as Jax predicted. We share stories, flip through Jax’s baby books, and enjoy a home cooked meal. I can see a lot of Michelle’s qualities in Jax. I feel like I’ve unpeeled another layer of his identity.

* * *


The smell of French toast swirls through the air and stirs me awake. At first, I assess the situation to see if I’m dreaming. I reach out my hand next to me on the bed and pat around, but all I feel are covers. Cailin’s warm body isn’t next to mine. Rather than stop to think if I’m having a nightmare, I open my eyes. There she is, looking adorable in her leggings and T-shirt. Her hair is pulled into a high pony hail, with loose strands framing her face. She wipes them out of her view and greets me.

“Happy birthday,” Cailin says. She pushes a room service tray towards the bed. “This is just your first surprise of the day.”

“This is already the best birthday ever. I’ve got all I could ever want.”

Hope jumps on the bed and tries to steal some bacon. “Looks like you got something your girl wants,” Cailin says.

“Our girl.” Saying that makes me think about the day we might have our own child. Cailin would make such a nurturing mom. I want to be the dad I never had and experience childhood through the eyes of my children. Find the magic in everything I missed.

We’ve talked about families and kids before, so I know we’re both on the same page. I just don’t know Cailin’s exact timeline of when she would want to start a family, and I don’t want to put any pressure on her, just getting out of her divorce. Instead of bringing that up, I simply ask, “Can I have a hint about my surprise?”

“Nope, and there’s nothing you can do to bribe me either. You’ll just have to let the day unfold.”

* * *