Page 40 of The Comeback Tour

“Things are definitely shaping out,” I reply under my breath.

“What’s that, Cailin?”

“I was just wondering how Jax feels all the interviews went.”

“Yeah, how did they all go?” Harry asks Jax.

“Awesome, really. Cailin managed everything smoothly. I think everyone got the time they needed to get the quotes for their stories. I’m eager to see what the headlines are going to say.”

My nerves are getting the best of me. “Me too.”

“Well, I’m off to go find Ridge,” Harry says. “He just texted me that he’s here.”

Ridge, Jax’s cousin from 5 Leo Hearts. While part of me is super excited to meet Ridge and see them together in the same room, part of me is wondering if now is a good time to mention the lipstick stain to Jax.

“See ya,” Jax yells to Harry.

That leaves just Jax and I on one end of the room. Across from us, the others drink beer and converse loudly in their little groups. I’m afraid to have this conversation with Jax. What if he tells me he regrets kissing me and it was one big mistake? The first night of tour might begin in scandal and that’s exactly what he’s been on a mission to avoid. I’m like the wrecking ball that came in and knocked down all that he was trying to rebuild.

Jax lowers his voice and tells me, “I know what you’re thinking. I saw you talking to Hayley. I know she knows. Don’t worry. She’s not going to say anything.”

“I trust Hayley, for as well as I know her. But I’m worried about the media. You took a lot of photos.”

“If anything, this might work out in my favor. Think about it. The ‘boy band bad boy’ has lipstick marks on his neck the opening night of tour for his solo album. The first signs anyone has seen of me romantically linked to a woman in a long time. Although, it’s going to put a dent in my plans to shed that image.”

“It’s going to create a mystery for sure.” My pulse slightly slows down.

“Right. And that’s only if they notice and focus on it.” Jax’s voice is calming me in a way that only meditation apps on my phone have done before.

“Okay, so maybe it’s not so bad. There’s only one tiny thing.” I wince having to come forward and talk about posting a selfie.

“What’s that?”

“I posted a selfie of me back at the hotel, dressed for the show, with my lipstick on. But I mean, it would take some serious digging for a reporter to link that to me, right?”

“Never underestimate the media.”

“That’s what I’m worried about. But let’s talk about this more later. You need to get ready and I don’t want people to wonder why we’re deep in conversation.”

“All right, but I want to see you in that dress after the show. In private.”

And with that, he jets off to go light up thousands of girls’ nights and I know I’m in trouble.

* * *

Most of the VIP guests and media have floor seats in a private section near the front of the stage for the show. I’m standing on the side of the stage with Harry, who just introduced me to Ridge and his wife, Kelly. He’s just as boyishly cute in real life as his photos. Kelly portrays the picture-perfect role of a boy band wife. She’s perfectly proportioned, impeccably dressed in a mint designer jumper, has flawless makeup, and her hair is brown with senior-level stylist painted balayage. The rock on her finger is more carats that I can count. I admire her nails, which are gel-manicured in a neutral blush pink.

“So nice to meet you,” I say to them both.

“If you can handle working with Jax, we’ll have to talk about getting you on board for the 5 Leo Hearts big reunion tour,” Ridge tells me.

“I didn’t know a tour was in the works, actually. But that sounds great.”

“Nothing is official,” Kelly says. She puts her arm around her husband. “Ridge is getting the itch to tour now that he sees Jax out on the road.”

“Kelly wants me to stay home and make babies,” Ridge says, taking her hand in his.

“Not a lie. But I’ll support the tour too.” She playfully kisses his cheek.