Page 27 of The Comeback Tour

Cailin: I’m part of the crew right? I wouldn’t want to miss out on anything fun.

Me: I’m thinking this would be more of a private viewing. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find you sexy as hell the first time I saw you on video chat. You’re cute when you blush.

Cailin: You definitely make me blush.

Me: So, you do think I’m hot.

Cailin: OK, you win.

Wow, it feels really good to get back to not only talking to a woman, but talking to one who is intelligent, intriguing, and takes me on a little chase. I’m learning that there’s more to Cailin than her looks. She has substance. I didn’t intend to come right out and confess that I think she’s hot. What’s that saying about how a tiger can’t change its stripes? I can’t turn off my prowling instincts when I’m turned on by someone. Apparently, she doesn’t mind.

Then, she hits me with reality.

Cailin: Hey, Jax? Can we keep this convo between us? I probably should not have said that. It’s totally unprofessional. I don’t know what came over me. I’m serious about my job. I just got caught up…

Me: I get it. I can tell you’re not a groupie. I think that’s why I’m starting to like you.

Cailin is obviously a little nervous. I hope I didn’t come on too strong or scare her off. I know this is a new job for her. She might just totally reject me, so I should prepare myself for a very awkward tour before it even starts. Way to go, Jax. Great start to building your credibility.

* * *

I need an outsider’s perspective to see how bad this really is, so I call Ridge. He is always my go-to when I need to get in check. Ridge grew up with me, knows everything about my past, and has seen me at my lowest, as well as my best. I know he’ll guide me on the best course of action. Ridge will let me know if I’m letting lust take over, or if he agrees that I should throw caution to the wind and glide full force through these obstacles and sweep Cailin off her feet.

“I need some advice,” I tell Ridge once he answers the phone. “Got a minute?”

“Yeah, just one second,” Ridge tells me while he lets Kelly know he’s stepping out. Kelly yells to me from the other end of the phone. Maybe I should actually talk to her instead of Ridge. A woman’s perspective might be more beneficial to me right now.

“Actually, can you put me on speaker? I want to get Kelly’s opinion.”

“This must have to do with a woman,” Ridge says.

“Oh, is there a woman?” I can tell from Kelly’s voice that she is giving Ridge a look and they are having a subliminal conversation about how great it is that I am getting out of my funk.

“Kinda. I mean, yes, she’s a woman. But it’s complicated.”

“Of course it is,” Ridge says. “Women are complex creatures.”

Just then, Ridge winces, “Ouch!”

I laugh because I know Kelly probably whacked him in his stomach, which is tight, but not steel like mine. Ridge has been slacking on his workouts a little since he got engaged, then married. Now that he’s in the honeymoon phase and off tour, it’s safe to say that he is blissfully not concerned with his abs.

“So, what’s going on?” Kelly asks. I know she lives for this drama. Kelly likes to live in an elite world and get the juicy scoop before everyone else. This way, once word starts to spread, she can say it’s old news and she already knew about it weeks ago. That keeps her at the top of her social chain and her friends stick to her like glue, so they too can be at the forefront of their self-important circle. All that said, Kelly isn’t a total LA girl. She does have a lot of down-to-earth qualities, and I know that’s something Ridge really admired about her since the day they randomly met at a party.

“I met someone who I really want to get to know better and I’m not sure if I came on too strong,” I say.

“You’re Jax Slater. I think people expect you to come on strong.” Ridge makes a good point.

“There’s one problem. She’s my new publicist.” I wait in silence for a lecture.

“Okay, I see the problem,” Ridge says. He leaves it at that and doesn’t rant about this being a bad idea. That’s a good sign.

“You’ve got a thing for your publicist?” Kelly asks.

“I know it’s not ideal. I’ve only met her on video chat and we flirted on text.”

“Did she reciprocate?”

“Yes, Kelly. Definitely.”