Page 23 of The Comeback Tour

It’s been a wild ride since then. After years of back-to-back touring and recording albums, we were burned out and decided to go on a hiatus.

“I don’t know if I can do another tour right now,” Mario said. He was the first to break.

“I don’t know if another tour right now even makes sense,” Jack said. “The radio is playing all these grunge bands. They’re knocking pop acts out of rotation.”

“I agree with Jack,” said Ridge. “We really don’t fit in right now. I’m starting to feel embarrassed.”

“Maybe it’s time we gracefully bow out before we fade away,” Oliver said.

We all agreed this was a strategic pause, not a breakup. We all needed it. Over the past year or so, I’ve started to miss performing. But I also have wanted more for myself. I got inspired to create the life I want, making music that’s true to me and finding a woman to grow by my side. This new solo album is filling one of those voids. But there’s still a deep hole in my life, and that can only be filled by a companion. Not just any girl, though. I’m looking for the woman who will be mine forever.

I know it’s wrong to pursue Cailin, but something inside of me can’t let this go. I just know she is different. I have her number and I’m going to use it, regardless of the consequences. Maybe the media is right and I am addicted to women. I should jot these thoughts down as lyrics.

Trash the Dress Online Chat

Ariel:I think I’ve been eating my emotions. So not ready for summer.

Rachel:Don’t make the same mistake I did. I got married because I didn’t think I could do any better. You are amazing just the way you are.

Cora:What I would give to eat anything besides 99 cent nuggets.




Waitingfor the critique of my first press release at a new job, for a new client, is nerve-wracking. It’s even more tortuous because I happen to have a massive crush on this particular client. These are different feelings than when I was a teenager singing along to 5 Leo Hearts songs pressed up against the front row barricades at their concerts. I now feel like I have a backstage pass into the world of Jax Slater, and I never want to have that door close.

I need to impress Jax and his team on a professional level. The rush this work gives me is exhilarating. I also can’t help but admit that it’s not just the work that excites me. It’s also the possibility that I could form some sort of friendship with Jax. He may be a music legend, but I’m seeing him for who he is behind the music and I want a closer glimpse. This job should have come with a warning: panties may get wet.

It takes about a half hour until Harry emails me back with some edits. Overall, he’s very pleased with the release. Phew! He just had some minor tweaks from a manager’s standpoint and that’s cool. I keep nervously checking my email, waiting for a response from Jax. What if he hates it? I put my heart into this, in more ways than one.

I get up to make myself some lunch and realize I need to properly shop for food. So instead, I head into town on a mission to get my favorite sandwich. It’s been years since I’ve sunken my teeth into that portabello mushroom slathered in spinach artichoke dip and gooey cheese between a freshly baked roll. My stomach starts growling at the thought.

Inside the Italian specialty deli, I’m paying the cashier when someone sneaks up from behind me and puts his arm on my shoulder. I turn around to find Ethan.

“Ethan. What are you doing here?”

“Same as you, I suppose. Getting lunch. Want to grab a table?”

I’m not sure what to do here, because I’d love to sit and have lunch with a friend to pass the time and stop agonizing about how Jax will respond to the press release. But I also crossed a line with Ethan the other day and now he’s not technically just a friend. We are sort of…involved. In a messy way. At the time, I thought making out with Ethan was a leap towards an exciting post-divorce life. But now, things are different. I’m leaving for tour, with someone who is occupying more space in my brain than he should.

“Great minds,” I tell Ethan. I step out from under his arm. “I’m really sorry I haven’t texted you back. I’ve been meaning to get in touch. It’s just that things have been hectic.”

“It’s cool, hun,” Ethan says. “We have plenty of time to catch up. So, what is this new job that has you so occupied?”

I wince at the sound of the word ‘hun.’ I’m not his sweetheart, for sure. I hope he’s not getting attached already. Or again. This is so hard to navigate.

“Actually, I really can’t share too many of the details. I had to sign an NDA. But I’ll be making an announcement soon.” The cashier can’t ring me up fast enough.

“That’s mysterious. I guess I’ll just have to wait for you. I can handle that. I don’t like it, but I can handle it.”

Ethan touches his hand to my face and I take his hand in mine and lower it. He’s not picking up my subtle clues. I begin to walk outside the door now that Ethan and I have both paid for our sandwiches. Ethan follows as I tell him, “I know this may seem like bad timing, but I did want you to know, because I do care about our friendship.”

Ethan cuts me off. “I think after the other night, we’re a little more than friends.”

“We kissed, which I certainly don’t do with my friends,” I say. “But I just don’t want to jump ahead to anything, which I hope you understand. I maybe got caught up in the moment, or I did want it to happen, but it doesn’t matter anymore. Things have changed.” I look down at my food for a second to avoid eye contact, but then find the guts to look up.