Page 48 of The Comeback Tour

The meet-and-greet took longerthan I expected. Every time I tried to leave, someone else grabbed me. The reps from my label waited until the end of the night to introduce themselves. There were four of them. The two A&R reps are named Sean and Alicia. I wonder which one of them is hating all my songs. They’re both new to me.

The head of the label, Brad, and I go way back to when he signed 5 Leo Hearts. I remember the first time we walked into the label’s office. We flew from Orlando to Los Angeles with our parents, because we were so young we needed guardians. My mom and Aunt Lucy, Ridge’s mom, attended everything. Mario’s dad came, while his mom stayed at home with his younger siblings. He’s a lawyer, so it made sense to have someone with legal expertise on our team. Oliver’s parents both traveled with us, which I always envied. Jack was already eighteen, so he didn’t need a guardian, but his mom still came for support.

When we walked into the huge lobby of the label the day of our contract signing, I felt an invigorating energy. People were bustling, music filled the air. An assistant ushered us to a conference room like we were royalty.

“Enjoy some food.” The assistant pointed to the conference table. It was filled with trays of sandwiches and non-alcoholic sparkling cider.

“Whoa, there’s a cake with our name on it,” Mario said. “This is awesome.”

“First, let’s seal this deal,” Brad said.

Photographers snapped away as we signed our contract. We posed for photos, shaking hands with Brad. Those were later published in the music industry trades, accompanying interviews with Harry about how he discovered us and secured our deal. Everything moved at lighting speed from that moment forward.

I’m fortunate that over a decade later, Brad still supports me.

“We want to sign you for the release of your solo album,” Brad said. “It’s about time one of you guys breaks out and I’m glad it’s you.”

“I won’t let you down, Brad.”

But I fear that I am. The A&R team keeps pushing for a hit single. I’ve written so many songs, and I don’t know what else I can possibly write to give them what they’re looking for, but I’m not about to give up. Therewillbe a hit single released around this tour, even if it’s not on the actual album.

The marketing rep, a guy named Juice, told me tonight that once we get the single, we’ll make a video and reel for social media. “As it goes viral, we can release a digital single.” I’ve never released a digital single. Back in my day, bands charted album sales. I’m grateful to be a part of this new era of the music industry, but I need to prove that I can keep up with the pace other artists have set.

After I met all the new folks at my label, I was finally able to get back out to the buses. But by that time, we had to hit the road. Unfortunately, I had to settle for talking to Cailin on the phone. At least I got to see her for a hot minute. And I do mean hot minute. One look at those little shorts was all it took. Luckily no one was around to witness my desire.

But then the accident happened and everything changed. Ending the first night of tour with Cailin in my bed was something I thought about and pushed out of my mind. I never expected it to happen like this. I didn’t realize how bad the storm was until after I got off the phone with her. I texted Harry and he put out a group text to all the drivers, suggesting we pull over. But of course, that wasn’t the smartest idea because the drivers aren’t reading their texts while they are on the road navigating a storm.

I peeked out the window to get a glimpse of what was happening outside when I noticed up ahead one of our buses pulled over along the side of the road. I identified it as Cailin’s when I looked at the license plate. I have the license plate for all of our buses stored on my phone in case of an emergency. Never thought I’d actually need to pull up that note.

I quickly called Diego—who thankfully answered his phone on Bluetooth—and told him to pull over. In that instant, when I thought something might have happened to Cailin, I realized how much I care about her already. I would never have been able to live with myself if she got hurt, or something worse. She’s already dealing with enough, thanks to the lipstick scandal. My neck and her lips. My bus. I’m already causing her pain. All I wanted to do was make sure she was safe and hold her in my arms.

And now, she’s fast asleep with her back against my chest. Tonight isn’t about my physical needs, and that’s a first. It’s about Cailin’s emotional needs, growing our relationship through trust, and offering her security. I want to do this for Cailin. She needs to know that whatever comes our way, we can overcome the obstacles. In my world, there will be plenty of roadblocks. I hope tonight’s events didn’t scare her away from this life on the road. It’s her first tour and it’s not off to the best start for Cailin.

As I rest my head on my pillow, I’m not going to deny that it’s torture being this close to her, with so little clothing and thin sheets between us. Now that she’s staying on my bus, which I hope is for the rest of the tour, I hope that things will continue to progress for us. I’ve never felt this way about a woman before and I think that’s why I’m going full speed ahead. I’ve had my fill of women, and no one made me want to keep them around. Cailin, though, I don’t want to let her go. And I’m at the point in my life where I don’t want to just see my bandmates and fans start their families. I want my own.

Cailin is everything I could want in a partner. At least from what I see so far. That’s why I need to use this time to get to know her completely. And I need to break out of my fears and show her the man I can be, too. I already feel more confident just having performed and met all my fans. I want to take her out in public and not let my worries about what people will think or say stop me. With Cailin by my side, I know I can do it. No, not just do it. Actually enjoy it.

But first, I need to get through my temptation to wake up Cailin and start making passionate love to her. For the first time on this bus, I’m regretting that I don’t have access to a cold shower.

Trash the Dress Online Chat

Alexandra:Tomorrow would be the anniversary of when we got engaged and I am starting to have feelings of regret again.

Cora:Have you made your Good Riddance list yet? All the reasons why your marriage wasn’t working. Do this so you can go back and read it at times like this!




I wakeup with my head lying on Jax’s chest and his arms around me. He’s already awake.

“Good morning.” Jax softly greets my cheek with his lips.

I hope I don’t have morning breath. This is the first time I’m waking up in bed with a man who has yet to see me naked. This is also the first time I’m waking up in bed with an international pop star. But more importantly, it’s the first morning I’m waking up in the arms of Jax, the man who made me feel eternally safe last night after I had a terrifying experience. My heart is filled with gratitude.

“How long have you been up watching me sleep?” I sit up and rub my eyes.