Page 17 of The Comeback Tour

“I don’t know. I feel dizzy and my heart is racing. I don’t know if I am hallucinating.”

“Where are you? I’ll call 911.” Gemma is in full-on mom mode.

“No, no. I’m fine. I just got some news.”

“Don’t ever do that to me again. What’s going on?”

“So, I got the job offer from Imani’s company.”


“And I found out the client they want me to work with…” Just then, I realize I signed an NDA and I can’t discuss the company’s client because the tour hasn’t officially been announced yet. How am I going to keep this information a secret from my best friend?

“And?” Gemma asks, desperate for more information.

“Well, um, I signed an NDA, so I can’t tell you the client. But I can tell you this is a big deal and I’m really excited. I freaked out. I’ll tell you as soon as I can, I promise.”

“You’re killing me, Cailin. NDAs don’t apply to best friends, let’s be real.”

Her begging can’t break me and I let her know.

“Well, this mystery client sounds like something you’re happy about, so I assume you’ll be taking the job?”

“Definitely. And I’m going on tour.”

“Tour? Like on a bus?”

“Yes, technically my own bus. It’s a month-long tour across the country. It’s a great opportunity for me, really.”

“I’m sure it is. I’m just wondering how you are going to do living on a bus. Like, you probably can’t wash your hair every day, or shower. Oh no. Should I get you some baby wipes in bulk from Cost Savers Shopping Club? Can you rough it?”

Gemma makes some good points. “Okay, so I didn’t totally consider all of the logistics and I don’t have all the answers yet. I still need to formally accept the offer and I am sure I will get all the details. But I am pretty sure hotels will be on the itinerary.”

“Okay, that’s good,” Gemma says. “When do you leave?”

“I’m not sure, actually. But I start working virtually tomorrow.” As I say that aloud, it hits me that I have a lot to do today. Like create the perfect background for virtual conference calls. And decide what to wear in case I have to go on a chat with Jax Slater.

“Wow, they must really be desperate for help.” Gemma must feel me shooting her a look, because then she adds, “I mean, eager to get you onboarded.”

“We have to announce the tour. As soon as we do, I’ll tell you. Seriously. I can’t hold this in for long. I’m about to burst.”

Then I realize I can reveal other information to Gemma. “Also, I just got a tattoo and last night I made out with Ethan.”

Gemma is speechless for a few seconds. “Um, okay there. Way to drop a bombshell.”

“Also, it turns out Ethan was dating a girl from out of town. So that must be why everyone thought he was single.”

“Interesting. Ethan definitely seems like he has some secrets. But now that you’re going on tour, I’ll have to figure them out another way.”

“Maybe he’s just private with women, Gemma.”

“I don’t know. The last serious girlfriend I knew he had was you and that was years ago.” Stella cries in the background. “I need to hear everything, but Stella just woke up from her nap. Text me every detail and I’ll text back when I can!”

Gemma and I hang up. I feel grounded now. Confident I can drive home and not crash my car. I fasten my seatbelt, turn on the ignition, and put my foot to the pedal. A new road has opened for me and I can’t wait to reach my destination.

* * *

I totally forgot about Ethan in the midst of everything going on, until he texts me again. I left his last text hanging in cyberspace and that’s unlike me. I’d hate it if someone ghosted me, but I’m not into this level of neediness, especially when we’re not a couple.