Page 17 of When it Pours

And when he rolls over onto his back, guiding me on top without severing our connection, I show him how much I appreciate it.

Bracing my hands on his chest, I ride him slow and sultry, then faster, harder, straining closer as he grips my hips and pulls me into deeper contact with his cock at the end of every thrust. I hold his gaze as he comes with a deep cry that vibrates across my skin, tightening my nipples and sending me spiraling out right along with him.

I come in thick, heart-wrenching waves that leave me as limp as the ramen I ate for dinner nearly every night when I was first on the road.

I lift my head from Theo’s chest just far enough to whisper, “You know that ultimate ramen recipe we were working on senior year? I perfected it. The secret is full fat coconut milk and lemongrass.”

An appreciative sound rumbles through his chest as he wraps his arms tighter around me. “Damn, that sounds good. And fresh mushrooms. We should have realized it needed fresh, not canned.”

“We were young and stupid,” I agree, resting my head again, sighing as he drags lazy fingers through my hair.

“But not anymore,” he says in a way that lets me know he’s talking about more than our ramen recipe. And he’s right. We’re not young and stupid anymore. We’re old enough to know what matters and to hold tight to those things no matter what.

There’s only one problem…

Theo has a lot more to hold onto than I do.

More than just me.

More than a life on the road and whatever adventure lies around the next bend.

It’s a fact that’s proven early the next morning when we’re awoken by a deep male voice saying softly, “Well, well… I kind of thought I’d find you two in bed together, but the pig is an unexpected touch.”

I open my eyes to see Drew McGuire, Theo’s older cousin, standing at the foot of our bed where, sometime in the night, Pippa Jane must have climbed up to join us. She’s currently snuggled between Theo’s back and my side, fast asleep with a smile on her face.

Thankfully, we both put our clothes back on before we drifted off, however, so the scene isn’t nearly as indecent as it could have been. Thank goodness, since it looks like Drew isn’t alone.

Another voice comes from the small landing just outside our room, “Everyone okay in there? If so, I’m going to tell the Red Cross boat that they can move on, and we’ll get our people back to dry land on our own.”

I glance over to see Christian McGuire, Drew’s younger brother, sticking his sandy blond head into the space.

“We’re fine,” Theo croaks in a sleep rough voice. “Though much better now that you’re here. I think we could all use a bathroom, a shower, and a big hot breakfast.”

Pippa Jane oinks in agreement as she rolls over onto her back between us, waving a hoof in the air, her standard way of requesting morning tummy rubs. She’s remarkably calm considering there’s a stranger in the room, but Drew has always had the best vibes. After Theo, he’s probably my favorite McGuire. He’s just so kind and patient and always willing to go the extra mile for his family.

If I had a cousin like him, or any of them really, it wouldn’t be nearly as easy to leave Bad Dog…

“How about The Fat Rooster?” Drew asks. “We passed it on the way to the boat launch. They’re open and have the best scrambles in town.”

“Sounds like heaven,” I say, scratching Pippa’s belly. “Thanks so much for coming to get us, Drew.”

“Truly, man. Thanks so much,” Theo says, sitting up beside me and running a hand through his spiky morning hair.

“No thanks necessary. I’m just glad Jim called me this morning, when he realized the fire department would be tied up in town until this afternoon,” Drew says with a smile. “This is what family is for. I’ll step downstairs and let you two get dressed. I’ll also call Tatum and see if she and Sarah Beth want to join us.” To me, he adds, “Sarah Beth is my daughter from my first marriage. Tatum is my fiancée.”

“And the sweetest woman ever. And the love of his life,” Theo pipes up, making Drew blush in a way that’s absolutely adorable. “They’re expecting another baby in a couple months.”

“We are,” Drew says, clearly beside himself with happiness. “And Tatum’s been craving scrambles the entire pregnancy. If I go to The Fat Rooster without at least offering her the chance to join, she’ll have my head on a platter.”

“Oh, congratulations. That’s amazing news,” I say, my chest starting to ache. “Yes, please invite her. I’d love to meet her and your daughter.”

“And my fiancée, Starling,” Christian pipes up from outside. “Well, she’ll be my fiancée soon. I’m asking her on Christmas Eve and if she doesn’t say yes, I’m going to ask her every Friday night until she finally gets sick of my begging and puts me out of my misery.”

Drew rolls his eyes and whispers, “She’s going to say yes. For some reason she’s crazy about that cocky bastard.”

“I heard that,” Christian says. “In addition to being a cocky bastard, I have excellent hearing. Now hurry up and come downstairs with me. The sooner they’re dressed, the sooner we can get out of here. That squirrel in the downed tree is giving me the creeps.”

“Oh no,” I say, covering Pippa Jane’s ears before adding to Drew, “Please try to get rid of the s-q-u-i-r-r-e-l before we come downstairs. Pippa’s terrified of them. If she sees it, she’ll run and hide, and we’ll never get her into your boat.”