"I very much am. I would say it’s been a pleasure, but I think we both know that would be a lie. And if I recall, when you started working as my manager you signed an NDA yourself did you not?"
Her eyes narrowed on his.
“Come on, I can’t be the only one seeing the poetic justice there. I found out about this because of an NDA and now BECAUSE of an NDA I could sue your ass for releasing that photo.” Two big men in black shirts showed up. "Please show Ms. Moore the door.”
"You're done, Liam, if you keep fucking up like this. And here's your phone if you’re so intent on ruining your own career from some random girl from bumfuck nowhere."
The men led her away as she threw the phone at Liam. He took a breath. He still didn't quite believe what had just happened. He was terrified of what she may have told Lexi. He knew she had overstepped all kinds of boundaries, but he didn't think she was capable of this. He had to make this right.
He picked up his phone that had fallen to the floor in all the commotion and looked at it for the first time since mic check.
There were a handful of texts from Lexi and a voicemail. He quickly decided to listen to her voicemail first, knowing he could tell more from the sound of her voice. He hit play and held the phone to his ear.
He was instantly hit with a wave of emotions. Relief, because thank fuck Jacinda hadn't fucked things up. Anger, because Jacinda was fucking lying to him again. But then most of all, concern. Her brother had been in an accident. He knew the dynamics of their relationship, and knew she had to be upset. And since that dynamic was created because of a tragic car accident, they were both probably pretty deep in their own trauma. He needed to get to her ASAP.
He checked the text messages and she had sent him the hospital she was at. He ordered a car right away and hopped in the shower while he waited.
The car was waiting for him when he finished. He called Lexi, but it went straight to voicemail. He texted her he was on his way and the car took off. Glendale was only a little over an hour away.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he was at the emergency room entrance. He wore a cardigan and hat, hoping to blend in as much as possible. The nurse’s reception area was right in front.
"Hi, I'm here to see Poppy...." Oh no, he didn't know her last name. "Oh, and Josh Turner, they were in a car accident."
"Right.” She started typing on her computer and looked back up at him. “They're just about to be admitted to the non-emergency part of the hospital, so I'm afraid you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see them."
"Thank you for your help." He turned to check his phone to see if Lexi had texted him, but then he saw her coming in carrying a bag. She looked up at him, eyes wide and her lips parted.
"What are you doing here?" She asked breathlessly.
He ran right over to her and wrapped her in his arms, and she clung to him. "Is everyone okay?" he asked softly in her ear as he stroked her back. She nodded against his cheek and let out a shuddering breath.
She pulled away and went to the reception desk. "Is Poppy Turner still in her room? I have an overnight bag for her and her husband."
"They haven't been moved yet, head on back."
Liam looked at the reception desk clerk, who just smiled softly and nodded. He was instantly at Lexi's side, taking the bag from her and holding her hand as she led the way through the hospital doors.
Knocking quietly, she entered the hospital room. Poppy was sleeping in the bed. She looked pretty banged up and her arm was in a cast. Josh stood to greet them at the door. He seemed fine, except for a small cut above his left eye that had been stitched up.
"That's gonna leave a pretty wicked scar," Liam said with a smile. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I'm glad you’re all okay."
Josh smiled at him, "I'm glad you're here. I'm sorry I pulled Lexi away from your show."
"No worries. There’ll be other concerts."
"How is she?" Lexi asked as she snaked her arm around Liam’s waist.
"Good, she's sleeping now, clearly," he said quietly. "We should be out of here tomorrow."
"Do you want me to stay with you?" Lexi asked, her concern for her brother written squarely on her face.
"No, I'm fine--"
"Josh, I'm serious, say the word and I'll stay." She meant it too. Liam knew that, even if it meant sitting out in the waiting room all night, she would.
"I'm okay. You guys should head home."
"If you're sure..."