"Okay," she said.
An actual smile crept across her face, and he took a breath. "I apologize for that. My emotions were still all over the place and that incident with Jacinda kind of sent me over the edge, but that's all it was. I'm firing her tomorrow after you leave."
"You don't have to fire her on my account," she insisted.
"I'm firing her onmyaccount. I had no clue how much control she had taken over. I let her do it after everything with Henry, but I can’t do that anymore."
His eyes scanned the room. The makeup table was a mess and the couch had been moved a good twelve inches out of place. "We sure did a number on the room, huh?"
At that she broke into laughter. He laughed with her. It was that kind of cleansing laughter, where your sides hurt, and it pushed out all the worry. That is exactly what he had needed to feel after tonight.
"Let's go home," he said as he stood and offered her his hand.
"Let's go."
The stage was already halfway broken down and his roadies were packing it up. He had one more show and he would be done with this tour and ready for a break.
He led her to the spot where the car would pick them up. He leaned against the cool wall and pulled her close to him. They kissed softly until the car came and took them home.
What existed between them was special. He only hoped she felt it too, because to him it was becoming a sacred truth. She was becoming his North Star. While he was still figuring out what direction he needed to take in his career, he would be steering the ship and she would be steering him.
Once they were back in his apartment things were quiet. It was closing in on two in the morning. It had been a long day, so they fell into bed. He snuggled her close, and for once he slept through the night.
Once he was fully awake the next morning, he texted Heinrich for breakfast and snuggled into her. He ran his hands over the curve of her soft hips, the mound of her belly, then he traced his fingers over her arms. The heat emanating between them warmed him to his very core. He kissed her head and breathed in her scent. Coconuts. She still smelled like the shampoo from their shower last night.
They had talked until the wee hours of the morning, until the pauses between their conversations drew longer and they both had drifted off.
Watching her, it started to become clearer what he needed to do. First, he desperately needed time off. He would wrap up a few things this week before the rescheduled concert. He would also spend this week getting to the bottom of what was going on with Jacinda and the label. This was his last commitment with the label, it might be time to move on. He knew he didn't want to give up his career, but he needed to be able to trust those around him. Trusting himself was the first step to that.
Lexi started to stir in his arms. She let out a sleepy whimper and rocked her glorious ass into his growing erection. She pulled his hand so it was cupping her breast and he took the hint. He started rocking into her, gliding his cock between her legs, but not inside of her yet. They lay there gently rocking into each other, slow searching hands and gentle kisses and tenderness. It was the opposite of their powerful sex last night, but just what he needed.
He pulled away and got a condom from his drawer and rolled it down his already slick erection. Then he was inside of her, gently rocking into the build and bringing each other to climax in such a tender way he had to bite back tears. He loved her. It had only been a week and he knew that deep down.
That morning they hung out in bed, ate breakfast, and enjoyed each other. Neither one of them ready to deal with the car that would be coming in a few short hours to take her away.
But finally, that time had come. Lexi was packing her bag. He would give anything for her to stay longer. He was on his bed strumming his guitar as she shoved her phone charger in her bag.
"Well, I think that's everything," she said with a faraway smile.
"So, what's next?" he asked, setting down the guitar and sliding to the edge of the bed.
"Well, I have to work tomorrow. As much as I don't want to go back, I can't really afford more time off."
"You don't want to go back?" he asked. He was a little surprised by this, she seemed to really enjoy her job.
"Not really, I’d love some more time off. I’ve been working without a vacation since I was fifteen. That's over half my life."
"I thought you liked your job?"
"I guess I do. It beats cleaning rooms. I worked hard to get where I am. It’s the best job I've ever had, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't love a life where I didn’t have to work so hard all the time. But I mean that’s life, what choice is there? Find a job that isn’t too soul crushing and keep it."
The wheels in his head were turning, this could potentially change everything.
"What would you do with your time off?"
"I don’t know. I've never given it much thought,” she said with a shrug. “I would sleep, that much I know. I would do nothing. Then when I was all done doing nothing, which could potentially take a really long time, maybe I would travel. There are so many places I would love to see that I just haven't had the chance. Seeing that board from my closet reminded me of all the things I dreamed of doing, all the places I dreamed of going."
"I think that sounds fucking amazing. I've done my fair share of traveling, more than my fair share honestly, but there's still so many experiences I haven’t had. I've seen the stage and the inside of lots of hotel rooms, but that’s not seeing the world."