Page 46 of Lexi Lets Go


As he came back, he couldn't help but smile. It felt good having her in his space. She fit here with him. He could see a future with her. She had managed to make him feel more like himself than he had in ages. Something about her practicality and not being swayed by Liam James made him trust her in a way he hadn’t trusted anyone in years. They just understood each other. The level of trust that normally came with years of building, came in a matter of days. It shouldn't be possible, but it was as true as anything he had known.

"Did you text your brother?" he asked.

"Yep," she said, setting it on one of the chairs.

"I think it's awesome you guys are so close. I haven't talked to my sister in a few weeks, even though she emailed me a few days ago. I need to call her to make plans for my nephew’s birthday, but I have been a little preoccupied.”

"Oh," she said quickly. "Go right ahead. I can step out."

"I think it can wait. Right now, I just want to snuggle you on this bed," he said as he patted the space next to him.

She made her way to the bed. "As much as I have enjoyed my time with you, I think I may enjoy my time in this bed more."

"You wound me.” He pulled her down next to him. He loved the way her soft body formed to his. She laid beside him, her leg draped over his and her breasts pushing into his side. Her head resting on her hand that was on his chest. With that warm smile on her face, something about her felt like home. He’d experienced instant attraction before, but it never involved this much intimacy.

"How long have you lived here?" she asked.

"I bought this place a couple years ago. Sadly, I don't think I've stayed in it more than a week at a time before."


"Yeah, I usually go home in my off time. The city has never really felt like home. I think I like the idea of the city more than the city itself. If I lived someplace like Mystic Falls, I think I would try and spend more time there. As nice as this is, it feels empty. But," he said, pulling himself away from her, "it does allow me to spoil you a little better." He went to his closet and brought out a gift bag.

"What's this?" she said. Her face looked almost painful. He could have guessed she would be someone who didn't like extravagant gifts, but that was too bad. He was an amazing gift giver.

"Only one way to find out," he said, gesturing to the bag in front of her.

She reached in and pulled out a jewelry box. She looked up at him, eyes wide. "You did not have to do this."

"You don't even know what I did yet."

She opened the box and her eyes softened. It was a charm bracelet, Nothing extravagant, just beautifully sentimental. Even Lexi would have to agree with that.

"Liam, this is incredible. I don't know what to say," she said with tears in her eyes.

The bracelet that had already had four charms. One Silver letter L, one storm cloud, one guitar, and a water drop. He gently took her hand and put the bracelet on her wrist. "The L is self-explanatory. The cloud and the guitar are from that night on the porch swing, which was the first night I wanted to kiss you. The water drop is for the waterfall, where you shared your story with me." His fingers traced along the charms and along her wrist, he pressed a kiss there and continued to hold it.

The emotion in her eyes when he looked up was enough to take his breath away. "Liam, no one has ever gotten me anything like this before. I don't think I can accept this."

"It is for you, personalized from our time together. Take it so you can remember this weekend."

Her hand cradled his face, and he felt his heart breaking. One weekend with this woman would never be enough. He should have known. But he had her now, and he was going to take full advantage of it.

"When did you have time to do this?" she asked as she admired the bracelet.

"I called Heinrich, my butler. He ordered it from a store I frequent, and they brought it over, and I had him put it in my closet. I think we should figure out what you want for dinner. We can do anything: sushi, Italian, fancy New York food at its finest or pizza and ice cream if that's what you prefer."

"I've never had sushi before," she said quietly, "I don't know if I would like it."

"Would you like to try it?"

"But if I don't like it, then it would be wasteful. Let’s do something else."

"Would you like to try sushi?" he asked again in a firm tone.

She nodded.