Page 24 of Lexi Lets Go

"I don't want to keep you from work, but I would love to explore the town with you."

"Okay," she said. Her phone, which was still buried in her purse, vibrated. It snapped her out of this moment, whatever was happening here needed to be figured out. She needed a minute to breathe. She continued to dig for her phone, and he moved his hand.

Poppy- Is there something going on between you and LIAM JAMES???!!!

Lexi just couldn't with this right now. She shot a text to Nancy letting her know she would be back a little later than anticipated and started up the car.

"Well, let the tour commence," she said.

They drove off and Lexi took them through town. She showed him the picturesque landscape of the town square. Main street that had all the little shops, bookstore, Fipp’s Market, and town meeting hall where the drama and fun of this small town took place. As they turned off the square Twistee's came into view They had the best chili dogs and ice cream in town.

"Is that building a giant ice cream cone?" Liam asked.

"It is. Do you want some ice cream?"

"Yeah, I do!"

"Well then let's go." Lexi turned into the parking lot.

"This town has such great vibes," Liam said, taking it all in.

"It really does. It's been a great place to live." And she meant that. Lexi wasn't one of those people who was always looking for their way out of their hometown. This town had saved her life quite literally. Things hadn't always been easy for her and Josh, and this town had helped them.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I'll get our ice cream," Lexi said, pulling out her wallet. He looked at her with a look that said, ‘Put that away right now. I am a superstar, and I will buy your ice cream.’ She looked down. Something about this squeezed at her heart. This seemingly small gesture of the complete normalcy of getting ice cream together gave her an unfamiliar cozy feeling.

"A twist cone, please," she said with a small smile.

Liam went up to the window and ordered a twist cone and a cup of chocolate ice cream.

"Shall we?" he asked, motioning his head toward the picnic tables.

She followed and sat next to him. She took a lick of her cone and looked over to see him with a slight hunger in his gaze. That couldn't be right. He held her gaze as he slowly took a bite of his ice cream, flipping the spoon in his mouth and slowly dragging it between his lips. The mere act of eating ice cream had never done this to her before. Squeezing her thighs and squirming in her seat she looked away from him. He chuckled.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone, he held it out like he wanted to take a picture with her.

"I won't have to sign an NDA, will I?" she joked.

"Get over here," he said playfully.

She scooted over and he snapped their picture. His body pressed against hers. After he was done with the picture he didn't move away. They sat there, thighs touching, finishing their ice cream.

"Is this even real?" she said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You? This? Whatever is happening?"

He pulled back and looked directly into her eyes, it pulled her up short and took her breath away. Just a look from him stopped her heart and the smile started it thudding in her chest again.

"It certainly feels real to me," he said. He looked away and cleared his throat.

They both finished their ice cream in relative silence, sitting next to each other, legs still pressed firmly together.

