Page 14 of Lexi Lets Go

A firm knock shook the door. Lexi closed her eyes and braced herself for what fresh hell was on the other side.

"Come in," she called.

The door opened to find Jacinda on the other side, looking irritated as ever.

"Oh good, you are finally in. It looks like we are going to be staying for a few more days. I just wanted to let you know."

"I will check to see what we have available," said Lexi. She knew there was availability, but she wished there wasn't. "Is your bus not fixed yet?"

"I actually haven't heard yet, but Liam's next show was canceled, and he would like to stay here and scout some spots for his next video. He apparently thinks this place has... charm," she said, looking around with a general disgust. "I don't see it, but it's not my vision."

"Well, I’ll get you all booked. Let me know if you need anything else."

"That will be it for now. I will be in contact about last night."

"What about last night?"

"Don't give me that. The little stunt you pulled on the porch. You may be a fan, but it is incredibly unprofessional to try and get close to him while he’s staying at your place of employment," Jacinda said coolly.

"I merely ran into him on the porch. He invited me to sit with him. That was it."

"We'll see, I will be talking to him later today."

At that she turned and left Lexi's office. Lexi grabbed the stapler off her desk with every intention of heaving it at the door closing behind her, but she just squeezed it and firmly set it down on her desk and took a deep breath. She could do this. She had gotten through worse things in her life. Dealing with a pompous privileged pop star would not get to her. Deep breath in for three, out for three.

She got them all booked into their rooms for the next couple of days. She needed to go inform Mark and the kitchen staff of the change.

"Hey, Mark," she walked into the kitchen. This time of day, the kitchen was generally slowing down from the breakfast rush and starting to wrap up until it would be time for dinner. "It looks like Liam James and his people will be staying with us for a few more days."

"Well, that just fucking great isn't it," he said, tossing an empty mixing bowl into the sink with a loud clank.

"I sense trouble," Lexi said tentatively.

“His manager just left," Mark continued getting angrier and angrier by the minute. "Checking everything and going over our ingredients and procedures to make sure they would be up to his standards. He didn't even come down for breakfast, which is fine by me, but he cannot just send his people into my kitchen to inspect my staff and my ingredients. We only have the freshest ingredients. No, we don't have tofu, tofu wasn't on the menu, but apparently, it is now. No gluten, no preservatives, no food dye, the last two have never been in my kitchen! I get allergies, but I swear that woman was getting joy out of being a pain in my ass."

Lexi sighed and poured herself a cup of coffee. "I’ll talk to her and see if I have any more luck, but I'm not certain I will."

She turned and left, her thoughts on the list she had been given. This whole thing was getting out of hand. She could put up with it for a day, but her nerves were already shot, and it wasn't even lunchtime.

As she rounded the corner to the front desk, she saw Nancy with an apologetic look on her face.

"Oh, for fucks sake, what is it now?" Swearing in the lobby before ten, it was just apparently that kind of a day.

Nancy pulled out a manilla envelope and handed it to Lexi. "She brought this down for you." Nancy offered her an encouraging but pathetic smile. Lexi closed her eyes. In for three, out for three. She opened her eyes and took the envelope and turned and headed into her office.

She sat at her desk and opened the envelope. She pulled out a bunch of papers stapled together and right there across the top was written Nondisclosure Agreement. Were these people serious? She had one interaction with this man on the porch and now she was going to have to sign an NDA? This was nonsense. She was going to scream… or cry… or scream and cry. Either way, she needed to get out of there. She slammed the paper down on her desk and stood and walked out.

"Nancy. I'm taking a walk. Don't need me. I’ll be back soon."

"You got it."

Lexi walked out the front door and down the stairs. She took a deep breath as she felt the tears pooling in her eyes. Picking up the pace, she turned the corner, desperate to find a place to collect herself.



Liam awoke from one of the best night's sleep he'd had in a while. Sleep had been something that eluded him more and more. It seemed the more his creativity was blocked the worse his sleep got. Feeling more rested than normal, he was ready to get out and explore this town and that waterfall. There was something special here, he could feel it. There was a soft knock at the door.