"Oh god, don't cry," he said, raising his hands to wipe her cheek.
"Okay. Maybe I could take a short leave of absence," she said, just testing out the words. It was all so new, but she knew it’s what she wanted.
"A leave of absence or leaving entirely. I’m not one of the rock stars who has spent his entire fortune on cars and coke. Drugs were never my thing, and the only extravagance I have is spoiling my family. I assure you, I have enough put in smart places to take care of us for as long as we need. And I have a feeling my next album is going to be pure magic with a muse like you."
"Sometimes I'm still so scared I am going to wake up and this will all be a dream.”
"It's not a dream, but sadly I can't assure you this will be without its hardships. We do need to talk about the photo that was leaked and what will happen when they find you, because they will find you. That’s the reality of being my partner."
She nodded. This part was less pleasant, but he was worth it. "Okay, hit me with it."
"I think we should steer clear from the city for the time being. I’ll have a keyboard, my guitars, and some clothes delivered here, and we’ll just live our lives here for a while. The paparazzi will come and take their pictures, but they won’t stay long. Living here will be a good way to stay out of the public eye. I just need you to promise me one thing," he said.
"What's that?"
"Trust how beautiful I think you are and never read the comments."
He stood up and pulled her into a hug. "I love you so much, Lexi."
"I love you too."
His mouth crashed on hers and she kissed him right back. He was her person, and she couldn't be happier.
Her phone dinged on the table. While she was tempted to just let it go, Poppy was still in the hospital, and it was probably Josh.
Josh- They are discharging Poppy soon. She is doing better and the baby looks great so we are good to head home.
Lexi- I'm so glad. Do I need to come and get you?
Josh- If you don't mind. Our car is totaled.
Lexi- Of course, we’ll be there soon.
Josh- Ok just text when you get here.
"Poppy is being discharged from the hospital. We have to go get them," Lexi said as she turned to go up the stairs to get dressed.
"I'm glad she's okay. I’ll order a car. I need to get one of my own here," he said as he pulled out his phone.
"Wait a minute. I totally forgot I didn't drive home." She picked up her phone again and started texting.
Lexi- My car is still at the hospital in the emergency room parking. I came home with Liam. Do you just want to drive my car? You have a key right?
Josh- Yeah, that worked out perfectly.
Lexi- I’ll come get it later today and bring over some dinner, sound good?
Josh- Sounds perfect, see you then.
"Okay, we're good. Josh is going to drive my car home. We’ll go over there tonight and take them dinner."
"What is it you plan on taking them, gorgeous? Lean Cuisine or breakfast food because that's about all you got."
She looked at him with fake offense. "Of course not! I will be picking up food from the diner."
"Or I could cook."