Page 48 of Lexi Lets Go


They moved to the dining room. She couldn’t keep her eyes off Liam. Even just in a pair of sweatpants he looked like a star. She wanted to be near him. She wanted to touch him. She wanted so much she didn't really know what to do with all of it.

Turning the corner, the table was full of sushi. Like,fullof sushi, enough sushi to feed a family of five. Next to the sushi was a big cheese pizza.

"What is all of this?"

"I didn’t know what kind of sushi you like--"

"So, you ordered the whole menu?"

"No,” he drew out. “I ordered the most popular items."

"And the pizza?"

"In case you don't like the sushi."

"This is too much! What are we going to do with all the leftovers?"

"I’ll give whatever we don't eat to the team. Pizza and sushi will go fast, trust me. Now, what do you want to try? The California Roll is probably the safest, followed by spicy tuna. It looks like we have some unagi, tempura rolls, and some sashimi. You might want to try the rolls first, but please, try whatever you want."

She loaded some rolls onto her plate, and he did the same. There was so much food she didn't really know what to do. She watched Liam put a little bit of wasabi on his roll before popping it into his mouth.

Lexi did the same, but she put a bigger glob of the green stuff on and popped it in her mouth.

"Wait!" Liam protested.

But it was too late. The sushi roll along with a big glob of wasabi was already in her mouth. Immediately her mouth was on fire. The heat shot right up into her sinus and made her eyes water. She reached for the glass of water in front of her and started chugging it.

Liam gave a small chuckle and rubbed her leg under the table. "Sorry, I should’ve told you, a little wasabi goes a long way."

Her eyes were watering and the heat in her sinuses started to dissipate.

"Wow, you can say that again."

"Here," he said, taking his chopsticks and placing a small amount of wasabi on the roll before offering it to her. She opened her mouth, and he fed her the sushi roll. "Better?"

She nodded as she chewed. It was really good. She hadn't had much seafood because Josh wasn't a fan, and Josh had done all their cooking, hence the Lean Cuisine life she led now.

"Now, I’m no Robert Pattinson, but what do you think?" he asked.

"It's really good. As much as I would like a sparkly vampire here, you’ll do," she said, adding another piece of sushi to her plate. Now that she knew her wasabi limit, she ate a couple more pieces.

“Hey, I’m sparkly,” he said with a pouty lip. “I’m not sure what’s in his closet, but if it’s sparkles you want, trust me, you want me over Robert Pattinson any day.”

“You’re right, you're much better than my teenage crush.” She leaned in for a quick kiss.

He hummed into her kiss. “And don’t you forget it.”

After a few more pieces, Lexi laid her chopsticks on her plate. "That was delicious."

"I'm so glad you liked it. I wish I could take you out, maybe go dancing. Or something a bit cheesier like a carriage ride around the park. I wish I could do more."

"You are doing enough, more than enough.”

Eating sushi shouldn’t make her emotional. Sharing a meal with a handsome superstar shouldn’t make her emotional either, but here she was trying to swallow back tears. There was so much she had never experienced. The dream board he found kept creeping into her mind. She had so many dreams when she was younger. Her life was fine, she had survived, but it had been a long time since she thought about that little girl and all her hopes and dreams.

“Then why do you look like you are about to cry?” he asked gently as his hand reached up to wipe a tear that had slipped out.