Page 45 of Lexi Lets Go

When she looked over at him, he was rubbing the back of his neck with a far of look in his eyes. She smiled at him warmly and he smiled back, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said, putting his hands on her hips and pulling her to him. "I don't normally bring people in here."

She put her hands on his chest, his heart was pounding, matching hers. "Thank you for showing it to me. This room holds the most of you."

"It does," he said in a voice barely audible and pressed a kiss to her temple. “I haven’t spent much time here lately. It reminds me that I haven’t written a song in over a year. I haven’t gone that long since I started writing songs at fifteen. I’m just blocked,” he said with a deep sigh. He nuzzled her head and pulled her close.

"I think there’s one room we haven't seen yet," she said, looking up at him.

"There is. Follow me." Taking her hand, he led her to the door at the end of the hall. He opened the door, and it almost took her breath away. It was another room with floor to ceiling windows. There was a fireplace with a seating area the size of her whole living room. In the corner she saw a bathroom that looked incredibly indulgent. She was hoping she would get to try it out. On the back wall was an amazing giant four post bed. It was the bed of her dreams. The pillows were big and full; pillows just asking to be snuggled. The fluffy blankets looked so soft she couldn’t wait to touch them.

She wanted to rumple this bed right now. Wanted him to pound her into the mattress until it was just the two of them and nothing else existed. She wanted to lie in it for days with him and shut out the rest of the world, their only care in the world being their next orgasm. Her ability to have these thoughts surprised her. Even more surprising was the length she would go to make them a reality.

Walking across the room, she traced her hands along the bed. She was right, these blankets were so soft. He joined her next to the bed and sat down. "What do you think?"

"This is amazing. Do I get to sleep in this bed with you?"

"I'm hoping you'll do more than sleep in it with me," he said, pulling her between his legs. His hands rested on the generous swells of her ass as he pulled her closer. Seeing him in his space centered this in reality. He was no longer some magical force that showed up in her little town. Here she saw the weight of his life. The weight Liam James put on Liam Sheffield, and she wanted to lighten the burden. That wasn't her job, but maybe over these next couple nights, she could try.

She pulled his face up and kissed him. They had had their handful of kisses that felt important, and this was one of them. The first kiss after she put together the pieces of this man. The shininess had worn off of Liam James and she could see who he really was. She kissed him slowly, pouring everything she could safely give into him.

He stopped kissing her and she felt him grin against her mouth. He leaned back and pulled her onto the bed on top of him. Then, with some skillful moves, he moved them closer to the center of the bed. He now kneeled over her, his thighs bracketing her. His hands held her wrists above her head and his face was mere inches from her own. A small gasp escaped her mouth.

"Hi," she said, unsure of what else to do.

"Hi." He kissed her and she tried not to lose herself completely to this magical moment.

"Liam, where are you?" a female voice called from the hallway. He rested his forehead against hers and groaned. He moved to get off of her when his door opened.

"Oh, it's you!" said a voice she now recognized as Jacinda, his lovely manager.

"Jesus Jacinda, knocking is a thing!” he said to her, resentment dripping from his voice.

"Meet me in the living room. We have some things to go over before tomorrow." She closed the door and left. His brow was furrowed and he got off of Lexi and ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry about that. I shouldn’t have given her the codes. I’ll be right back." He turned and left the room, shutting the door loudly behind him.

She had never seen him that angry. He had every right to be angry at someone storming in on them, but it was still just another facet unlocked. With each newly discovered piece of him came a fierce feeling of protectiveness. She wanted to march out there, not to make a scene, but to let him know someone was on his side. Not the side of Liam James, but the side of him that existed between the two

But she didn't move. She just sat here on the bed, unsure of what to do next. Being alone made her think about her reality. She needed to text Josh and let him know she arrived safely, but didn’t know where their bags were. She looked at the clock and saw it was four. They still had tonight, but their time together was falling like sand through the hourglass. She hoped Jacinda wouldn't keep him long.

After about fifteen minutes he came back looking tired.

"I'm sorry about that, she won't storm in again. I may even fire her after this tour. I’ve been talking to my old agent. She was with me in the beginning and is the only person I really trust.” He blew out a breath.

“Okay. Here’s the plan. We’ll order take out and spend the night together with no interruptions. Tomorrow at noon I have to be at the venue for a sound check. Then I have some pre-show things I need to do, but those can be done here. I can guarantee privacy if you want to come with me to all the concert stuff, but you can stay here if you prefer. That's up to you."

"You have nothing to apologize for. I'm happy for any time I get with you. I do need to text my brother and let him know I got here safely. I would also love to freshen up. Do you know where our bags are?"

"Oh, of course. They’re in the hallway. I’ll grab them, that is if you’ve decided on staying in here with me tonight," he said, knowing damn well she intended on staying in that bed with him.

"Ok, bring the bags in."

Then he smacked her on the ass and left. She smirked. Something so casual and normal felt good.
