"I didn't say I wasn't beautiful. I said I was fat," she said with her chin set for defiance.
"Yes, you are. And I want to learn your body, explore every curve and know what makes you moan."
Her mouth fell open, and she just sat there gaping at him.
Soon the waitress came and brought their dinner. His chicken and roasted Italian veggies and her plate of carbonara. He told the waitress how good everything looked and thanked her, all while Lexi still sat there staring at him, her cheeks red. In his mind, he swept all the food off this table and pulled her on top of it and feasted on her instead.
He picked up her hand and pressed an innocent kiss to her knuckles, enjoying how thoroughly undone she was already.
"Let's eat, then you can come back to my room."
Her eyes flickered, and she seemed to come crashing back to reality. "I can't do that!" she protested.
"And why not, if we both want it," he said, trying not to sound as desperate as he was.
"I work there. I'm the boss. I can't have a hook-up at the inn," she said. Liam was trying to figure this out. Car sex was off the table because he wanted to worship her body. That would not do what he had in mind any justice. He was tempted to close down this restaurant and pay them just to let him have his way with her right here, but that still wasn't right. Even he had to admit there would need to be NDAs for that. But his want was bordering on need for this woman.
"Well, I know it's not as nice as the places you usually stay, but you could come back to my place," she said tentatively.
"Perfect. Now, let's eat. I have plans for us later."
The flush crept over her cheeks once again. His erection was straining painfully in his pants. He had to stop and close his eyes and picture something else… puppies, cute St. Bernard puppies, playing in a suitcase. The only surefire way to make his erection go away because if he kept down his current path, he would come in his pants before dinner was over. For now, he would be a gentleman, show her a wonderful time, and engage in thoughtful discussion. Lexi was as fascinating as she was attractive, and he wanted to know more about her. He could save his current train of thought for later tonight.
Liam held out his hand and helped Lexi from her chair. He was not at all what she initially thought. He had come on strong. So strong she was almost lightheaded from the blood all suddenly leaving her head and rushing places it had no business going, but then he seemed to change. She was hoping he hadn't changed his mind because she really wanted to do the things he was talking about. But she wouldn't be surprised if he changed his mind because look at him.
This wasn’t a 'poor me, who would ever want me?' type of thought. This was a very realistic thought. They were from two completely separate worlds and on two completely separate levels. This was a fancy date to her, but she was more of a ‘pajamas and movies’ kind of a girl. She would make them cute pj's, sexy pj's even, but she didn’t feel like she was on his level. He was on the ‘supermodels and private jets to Paris’ level. She had never even left New York. The fanciest thing she had ever done was stay a night in the city to see a Broadway show. What would they even have in common? Of course, he had changed his mind.
Although, he did hold her hand as they walked to her car, and the feeling that danced between their clasped hands was magic.
Once they were in her car, she took a breath trying to collect her thoughts.
"Where to?" she asked as nonchalantly as possible, even though inside she was screamingplease say you still want to come home with me.
Confusion danced behind his eyes as he looked at her. "I thought we had this all figured out, gorgeous. You're taking me home. Unless you have changed your mind, which is totally your prerogative. No Pressure."
"No! I still want to. I just wasn't sure if you wanted to."
"Oh... I still want to," he said as he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. The zing that went through her body every time they touched was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Their eyes locked. As she looked into his deep brown eyes, the world fell away, the only thing that existed was them, and the electric connection pulling them together.
"I have to kiss you." His hand slid under her jaw and into her hair. The air felt heavy with anticipation and desire. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she felt a bit lightheaded. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, then ran his tongue across his bottom lip.
She nodded, unable to speak.
He closed the distance between them. His face was now mere inches from hers, much like it had been last night on the porch swing, but this time she knew what was coming. This time she could see his face. Her heart was pounding out of her chest.Don't wake up. She thought to herself, afraid this was a dream.
He stilled and looked at her. No. No no no. This was a dream.
"What was that?" he asked, his smile creasing the lines next to his eyes that were still so close to hers.
"What?" She asked, unable to complete a thought.
"You just said something."
"No, I didn't"