Page 11 of Lexi Lets Go

"I’ve worked here in some capacity for almost twenty years. I started doing laundry here when I was fifteen and have worked probably every job, and now I’m the manager."

"Really? That's impressive."

Turning to look at him, her eyes big. "Really? My working at a small-town inn is impressive to a person like you?"

His eyes fell, and if Lexi wasn't mistaken, he looked almost hurt.

"A person like me?” he asked. “And what kind of person is that?"

"Ya know, a person who is used to this rich glamorous life. Staying in places much nicer than this, eating at fancy restaurants, gluten-free of course, not having to worry about money or having all these people working for you."


"I apologize that didn't come out right," she said quickly, trying to remind herself to be a professional.

"No, I think it came out just the way you intended it to," he said, looking at her with a cocked eyebrow.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, I just get that a lot. People have all these preconceived notions of what my life must be like... but I hate to let you know, it's not what it seems to be."

"I'm sorry. It has been a long day. I meant no offense."

"It's okay. It's refreshing actually to have it said to my face. Usually, it is eye rolls and backhanded compliments," he said, looking away from her and starting the swing moving again.

"What do you mean refreshing?"

"Just sometimes I feel like people aren't always honest with me. So, I respect your honesty."

She looked down in her lap. She was suddenly feeling warm and self-conscious. She had to remind herself that this man was the same man with that ridiculous list. He probably had his staff drafting up an NDA right now with some porch swing in the rain clause. She felt a pull to this man, but she would wager millions of other people did, hence his superstar status. It didn’t mean anything. They would be on the road tomorrow, and this would be nothing but an interesting story. But still, she remained on the porch swing. "But hey, Modern Times," he said.

What on earth did that mean? She turned to look at him to see if he would elaborate, but he was just there looking at her with this sweltering smile on his face.

"I'm sorry?" she asked.

His eyebrow cocked as he appeared to be waiting for her to say something, but she just looked at him. She didn't have the time for games with his highness.

"I just like a Lazy Sunday Morning much better than the Party Star."

What was even happening? Was he so unrelatable that he couldn't even have a conversation with someone as lowly as her?

"I mean, aren't we all Waiting for the Sun to Shine?" he asked with a completely unreadable look on his face.

"It's past eight. I don't think the sun is going to shine anymore," she said, unsure of what else to say.

"Midnight Groove," he looked at her astounded.

"Are you having some sort of episode? Because I will definitely have to sign an NDA then," she said that last part under her breath.

He looked at her, the only light from the fireplace on the other side of the window, but she could see the hint of a smile and a look in his eyes that she couldn't quite read. She smiled back at him because she couldn't help it. She was drawn to him. He put his hand on top of hers that was resting on the swing between them. The heat of his palm on the back of her hand sent shivers through her. She had never felt this way before. A spark danced between them, and her lips parted as she took a sharp intake of air.

He moved his face closer to hers, and his thumb caressed the side of her hand. She was going to burst into flames right here. What was even happening? Because she would swear she was about to be kissed, but that didn't make any sense. It made even less sense than the words he had been spewing at her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, embarrassed by how breathless and needy she sounded.

"I think I'll manage." Leaning even closer to her, he picked up the hand that had been resting on hers. The sudden chill on her hand had her itching to reclaim it. But then he raised that same hand to her face, tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, and ran the backside of his finger down her cheek and along her soft jawline. Her entire body was on fire. She wanted him to kiss her. It was verging on need. This urgent feeling was totally foreign to her. She needed him to close the distance, that at some point had become a matter of inches and claim her mouth. Her lips parted as her body thrummed with excitement. He gave her a delicious smile and slowly licked his bottom lip as he closed the distance between them.

At that moment, the porch light and the light inside the window turned on, shining its harsh light on their soft intimate moment. Reality plummeted towards her as she squinted at him. He gave a soft chuckle but didn't move away.