She ripped open the foil packet and rolled the condom down his length then she got over him and lowered herself on top of him.
"Wait," he growled out. She stilled. "I need to make you come first."
"Don't worry, I'm going to come." She was already so close after pleasuring him. Poppy took him in until he was fully sheathed inside, and she gave a little rock of her hips. The fullness sent shivers of pleasure all through her body. Then she began to move up and down. He looked up at her and bit his lip, one hand moved to her hip while the other played with her breast kneading it then gently rolling the nipple between his fingers.
She began to rock on him with a little more speed and he hissed out. Both of his hands found her hips and he began to buck beneath her. Because of her size, he didn't move her much, but he filled her so deeply she was getting so close. Her fingers found her clit and began to work little circle as he fucked her from below.
"Fuck, Poppy. You are perfect."
She cried out and came around him. His grip on her hips tightened as he slammed her down and bucked into her one last time and went rigid with his own pleasure.
Poppy climbed off and fell to his side. He disposed of the condom and then pulled her close. They both lay there in peaceful silence. This was it. They were together making their way through this crazy life as a pair, and nothing else really mattered.
They awoke early the next day. Poppy had to work, but they talked over breakfast about what they needed to do. Josh needed to write a letter to give to the owner and Poppy was going to write a letter of her own. Then they put out a plea on social media with their intentions to buy the house and explain the problem. They asked for people in town to share their memories of the house and maybe write a letter of their own.
After work, Josh would start down his list of people who might be able to help. Today he was installing a new sliding door for Ms. Maple. On his way he stopped by the market to tell Mr. Fipps what they were up to, but he was surprised when he got there, and the news had arrived before him.
"I saw on the Facebook what Poppy posted. I think you two are doing a wonderful thing. I’ll have Janet dig through our old pictures, I'm sure we have pictures of the kids at the haunted house. We are going to write a letter too,” said Mr. Fipps.
Josh was not a big user of social media. He had accounts but he never really posted much and only checked them sporadically. Poppy, of course, was all over social media, but he still couldn't have guessed the response.
"Well thank you, I really appreciate that."
He kept on his way to Ms. Maple's. Writing a letter was right up her alley, he figured he would be able to count on her for a letter as well.
Adjusting his tool bag, He knocked on her door.
"Hello Josh dear. The patio door is out back."
He got to work on the door. It was a pretty easy job. He would be able to finish it by this afternoon. Before he knew it, Ms. Maple was making her way into the backroom with a glass of lemonade in one hand and a box in the other. He stopped what he was doing to chat with her. Even though he could have finished the job by this afternoon, with the way Ms. Maple loves to chat, he may be here till this evening, but he didn't mind.
"Well, it looks like you are making quick work of installing that door," said Ms. Maple.
"I'm trying," he said with a warm smile as he took the glass of lemonade from her hand.
"I must say, I think what you and Poppy are trying to do is really something special. I saw her post on the town page and we are all just a twitter trying to help you two get that house. That house needs some love, but it needs to go to two young people such as yourselves. And I must say, I am so glad the two of you got together. I just hope she makes you happy, Josh," she said, giving his hand a small pat.
"Thank you, Ms. Maple. I appreciate that. She does. She makes me very happy." He took a drink of the lemonade, and he could tell it was freshly squeezed. Sometimes this town was a little too Mayberry, but today it seemed to be the perfect amount.
"I went through my pictures and found all of these. There are some from the holiday parties, Halloween, and I even found some from when Mr. Whitney took a class of fourth graders into his study to show them his intricate model train set."
"I had forgotten all about that. It was quite a setup he had," said Josh.
"It was indeed. I know the house needs some TLC, but you are a handy fellow. I'm sure you’re up to the challenge," she said with a kind smile.
"I sure hope so."
"Well, I’ll let you get back to work. I just wanted to make sure I got this to you."
"Thank you." He took the box from her hands, set it next to his toolbox, and went back to getting the track of the door screwed down. He was starting to think they just might be able to pull this off, but after last night he knew no matter what he had a future with Poppy. This house would just be the icing on the cake.
When he got home after finishing up work at Ms. Maple's, Poppy's car was in the driveway. He opened the door and saw Poppy and his sister standing in the kitchen talking. There were pictures and newspaper clippings strewn over the coffee table. A model of the Whitney house made from popsicle sticks on the kitchen table next to an open laptop. Poppy's phone was next to it giving consistent dings and notifications popping up.
"What's all this?" he asked.