Page 69 of Spotlight on Poppy

“Thanks again, Bridget,” Josh said as he and Lexi made their way out the door.

After leaving the store Lexi was quiet; she seemed to be taking it all in. She had never really dated. She had always been so busy with work and surviving, now she and Josh were both in a good place and he hoped Bridget was right. His sister deserved to be happy.

They made it home and were about halfway through Goonies, because if you are gonna old school movie night then you betterold schoolmovie night, when his phone went off. He was hoping it was a text from Poppy, she had been pretty silent today respecting his time with his sister, but he looked, and it was another text from Mitch.

"I'll be right back." He got up and left his sister on the couch with a can of Pringles and a bag of Twizzlers.

"Josh, hey, I have some not so great news."

Crap. This was not what he needed to hear.

"The company that is interested in the Whitney house is coming in with a huge offer, I'm not sure you can match it," said Mitch

Josh collapsed on his bed. His heart started racing. This house had come to represent his and Poppy's future. He couldn’t lose the house and he could not lose Poppy.

"What can we do?" he asked.

"Besides that letter to appeal to their sentimentality there isn't much. So, write the best damn letter you can, and we’ll turn it in with your offer."

Josh sighed. "Alright, when do you need it?"

"The sooner the better."

"Okay, I’ll get it over to you."

He hung up the phone and sat there staring at the phone in his hand. His heart was racing, and he could feel a panic attack coming on. He hadn't had a full-blown panic attack since everything happened with Abbie, but he could feel all the walls closing in on him. There was that terrible familiar tightness in his chest. He started some deep breathing, but it wasn't helping. He dropped his head in his hands and they fisted in his hair.

"Fuck! fuck fuck fuck.”

Lexi appeared at his doorway, because of course she did. When she sensed something was wrong, she was like a dog with a bone. There was no hiding it.

"Okay, I thought something was off all day. What is wrong?" she asked.

He looked up at her with panic in his eyes. His heart was pounding in his head. She came and sat right next to him on the bed and took his hand.

"Hey, you’re okay. Take a breath." She held his hand and modeled deep breaths for him until he was able to join her.

And then he told her, and it all came tumbling out. Everything about moving out and Poppy and the house and how scared he was if he lost the house, he would lose Poppy. She hugged him and he collapsed into her embrace, which was tricky because he was over 6’3 and she was 5’2 on a good day, but her embrace felt comforting and familiar. They had leaned on each other so heavily over the years. She wiped the tears that had escaped his eyes. He would be embarrassed if it was anyone else, but his sister had done this a million times before.

His panic attacks had started when he was in high school. She knew how to help him through. They were mostly a thing of the past after therapy, but this whole thing with the house and Poppy had thrown him. He clearly wanted and loved Poppy more than anything in life and would do anything to keep her, but he felt her slipping away as the house slipped away.

"Josh, look at me." He turned and looked at his sister. "I knew you would leave someday. I’m happy you’re leaving. I’m happy that you’re able to make a life for yourself and live in the house of your dreams with someone you love. Even if you guys have to get a different house, I can guarantee you Poppy will still love you, house or not. I mean, how could she not, you are one of the most lovable people on the planet."

He wished he was as sure as she was. He just could not shake the feeling if he lost the house, he would lose Poppy.

"I love you, little brother, but I think we both need this. We'll always have each other to lean on." She turned to face him. "Always." She held his gaze until he nodded. "I think you need to talk to Poppy." He nodded again.

She put his phone in his hand and gave him one more big hug. She ruffled his hair like she had so many times before and she got up and walked out of his room.

He texted her.

Josh- Are you busy?

Poppy- Nope, what's up?

Josh- Can we talk?

Poppy- Of course, do you want me to call?