Hannah- Nothing a road trip and an old fashion sleepover won't fix.
Poppy- You read my mind.
Feeling a little bit better she turned to Josh. He was watching her intently.
"That was Hannah. She’s going into the city on Friday to pack up her apartment. She asked if I wanted to go with her."
She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, though she hadn't figured everything out but a day with Hannah in the city would probably help with that.
"Awesome. I know you missed her while she was gone. It’ll be good to spend some time with her."
"It really will." She leaned over and gave him a deep kiss. When she pulled back, she smiled at the dazed look on his face.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"Just for being you. It’s getting late, and I have to get up early. I wanna get some baking done tomorrow morning before I'm stuck at the register. Is it ok if I don't stay here tonight?"
"Of course! You are always welcome but never feel like you have to."
She leaned over and gave him another kiss, this time she straddled him and kept kissing him. His hands found her ass and pulled her into him.
"You're sending some mixed signals here, princess," he chuckled up at her.
"I know I just wanted to kiss you good before you drive me home, so you don't forget me."
"Not a chance." Then it was his turn to claim her mouth.
The sound of a key in the door broke their kiss. Lexi opened the door and walked in looking exhausted.
"Oh, sorry if I'm interrupting," she said as she dropped her keys on the side table.
"No, this is your house. Anyway, Josh was just about to take me home," Poppy said with a smile.
"Don't leave on my account, I’m just going to hop in the shower and go straight to bed. I'm beat after working third shift last night and then going back in for paperwork."
"No, really," Poppy said as she stood up, "I have to be up early tomorrow. We were just saying goodbye."
"When I get back, I’ll make you a turkey pesto panini. Sound good?" Josh asked his sister.
"That sounds amazing. It was nice to see you, Poppy. I've heard a lot about you lately."
Josh's eyes darted to his sister.
"It was nice to see you too. I'm sure I’ll see you again very soon," said Poppy.
Josh grabbed his keys, and they headed out the door. While she still had not figured anything out, she was feeling a little better, and the promise of a road trip with Hannah might be just what she needed.
Poppy was excited to be heading out of town with Hannah. Hannah was the perfect person to talk to about all of this for so many reasons, mainly being she was her best friend and understood the magic element in all of this. But there was also the fact that Hannah had a glamorous life in the city, one Poppy had always been low key jealous of. Hannah was from this wealthy family. She grew up on the upper east side going to prep schools and spending the summer at the farm that had been in her family since forever. It always seemed like such a dream to Poppy, but Hannah decided to give all of that up and move to Mystic Falls for good.
And while Poppy was very happy with her choice, she never really understood that appeal of small town life. But that was all changing. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, her heart was with Josh from the moment he kissed her in that prop closet. And the town was creeping into her heart as well. She was learning how magical the little town was that she had taken for granted her whole life.
Poppy was waiting by the window for Hannah to pull up. She was ready to get outta here. Sam was not taking her absence for two days well. She knew this was the busy season, but they hired someone to help with the store because business had been going well this year. So, there was someone to cover her day off, and she was taking it.
She saw Hannah's car coming down the drive and she bounded out onto the porch. Then tossed her bag in the trunk and hopped into the front seat.