Page 45 of Spotlight on Poppy

“Perfect!” she said and clapped her hands. “I’ll call Hannah later and see if she and Graham want to come. We can make a whole night out of it.”

“Sounds fun, but right now let’s get back to work.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re predictable.”

He smiled at her as he headed out of the store. “One of us has to be.”



The gravel crunched under the tires as Sam's truck pulled in the parking lot of the Lucky Saloon. Poppy had planned a fun night out for everyone to come here and get some people to ride the bull. And if she was being honest with herself, she was dying to see Josh ride that bull again. She just could not get him out of her head.

They all climbed out of the truck, Poppy in jeans, a flannel tied at the bottom near her waist, and some boots she found in the back of her closet. She was always ready to dress for an event. Jackson had dressed up too, clearly in some of Sam's clothes: jeans, flannel, and some cowboy boots.

"Are you sure this place is ready for a gay, black cowboy?" Jackson asked.

"They better be, or else they'll have me to deal with," Sam answered him with a smile and quick kiss. Poppy loved the relationship between Sam and Jackson. Her brother had always been more serious than Poppy and she liked that Jackson helped him be a little more fun. Poppy and Jackson could be kind of a handful when they got together, but Sam always just rolled with it.

"Hannah and Graham should be here soon. Let's go in and get a table." She fixed the flower she had tucked behind her ear, and they headed inside. Excitement flittered inside of her at the thought of seeing Josh.

They walked in and peanut shells crunched beneath their feet and the smell of beer swam in the air. Poppy looked around and spotted the perfect table where they could see the bull and the bar, perfect for keeping an eye on her beautiful bartender. She looked behind the bar and there, drying a glass, wearing a delicious tight black t-shirt, was Josh. He had a smirk and winked at her, and she felt it zing through her.

"Hey, go claim that table. I'll go get us some beers." She made her way over to the bar and settled herself on a stool.

"What can I get for you, pretty lady?" Josh said with a smile.

"I'll take three beers and a kiss from the sexy bartender."

"Coming right up," he said as he leaned over the bar and kissed her. He turned and bent down to the refrigerator case behind the bar and Poppy appreciated the view. He turned back holding three beer bottles. He saw her face and smiled at her. "Excuse me miss, were you checking me out?" he said with a smirk.

"You know I was," Poppy said as she bit her bottom lip.

"Good," he said with a panty melting smile. How on earth had Poppy been friends with him her entire life and not noticed how incredibly sexy he was?

"Excuse me," a voice from down the bar called. He shot her one last smile and turned to go help the other customer.

As Poppy walked to their table with the beers the bell sounded and one of the waitresses entered the ring in the middle of the bar. "Let's all watch as Jessi tries to tame the beast tonight,” a voice boomed over the loudspeaker. The crowd cheered as she climbed onto the bull, and it started to buck beneath her. She was good, but she had nothing on Josh. The anticipation for watching him on the bull again was killing her.

"I'm getting on that thing before tonight is over," Jackson said.

"I would expect nothing less," Sam said.

They enjoyed their beers and the atmosphere. Sure, it wasn't the Elbow Room, but it was a good change of pace. The door opened and Hannah and Graham walked in. Poppy waved them over. Graham seemed to be taking it all in, this wild west theme was probably new to him. Hannah was whispering in his ear as they made their way over to the table.

"This place is something. How have we never been here before?" Asked Hannah.

"I know, it's great. I have only been here a handful of times before, it's pretty fun," Poppy said.

The night went on and they all drank beer and watched people ride the bull. It was a good time. A few more waitresses rode and some of the patrons rode. Some were as good as the wait staff, others were thrown off after their first couple bucks, but the crowd always cheered them on.

Jackson finally worked up the courage to get on. They all cheered, Poppy the loudest, but there was no surprise there. He held on until they had it cranked up pretty high and he got bucked. He got up and bowed in true Jackson fashion and everyone cheered. Sam whistled loudly behind her. Things felt good.

Then the bell sounded again as Jackson left the ring. "Alright, you guys are in for a show, let's welcome everyone's favorite bartender to the ring. Get your tips ready because he never disappoints. Give it up for Josh."

Poppy watched with bated breath. She had been thinking about him on this bull over and over. It was the stuff fantasies were made of. He hopped on and started riding, working his hips. Before long it was bucking away and Josh rode it. Poppy was getting so turned on. On the end of the bigger movements, he seemed to use the momentum to launch himself into a standing position on the bull like he was surfing. He got the crowd going and used the strap that was above the bull to lower himself back onto the bull and moved aptly to the end working it with his hips the whole time. Then he did the trick she had seen him do the first time she saw him ride where he let one of the big bucks propel him from the front of the bull to the back and catch it with his thighs alone and the crowd went wild. Poppy cheered him on. When his time was up, he hopped off and gave the crowd a wave and everyone went crazy.

Poppy turned to look at the table. All of them were sitting there with their mouths slack in a look of surprise. Poppy remembered that feeling the first time she saw him do that.