Page 36 of Spotlight on Poppy

"What?" Hannah looked at her, her mouth gaping.

"I stopped Bridget, the witch, at your wedding and asked for a love spell. I performed it that night and two days later this Broadway star showed up in town."

"Woah woah woah, slow down. You got a love spell?" Hannah asked.

"Yes," Poppy said and gave a silent plea for Hannah to keep up and let her get this out. "She gave me a potion to put in my tea before I went to bed. I did it. I had a super crazy dream, and then two days later Damien St. Cloud came into town because Ms. Maple needed to go take care of her sister and we needed a music director to help us finish the show."

"Ok," Hannah said, waiting for her to go on.

"I thought he was my soulmate. We hooked up the whole time he was here, but he was a low-key dick and things never felt right. Had you been here a week ago I would have been talking to you about how things were with you and Graham when he first arrived. I knew you guys had some growing pains.” She paused and took a breath while pacing around the kitchen. Then she continued, “So I thought that's what this was, but then I went to Bridget's store--"

"Her store?" Hannah interrupted.

"Yes! There's that too. She is here in town. She set up a shop. But anyway, Friday before opening night there is an announcement, Ms. Maple is here Damien got called back to the city and is poof gone. I tried to text him but haven't heard anything back." She took a deep breath. "Anyway, long story short, I think my soulmate might be Josh Turner."

Hannah's mouth fell open and she cocked her head to the side and just stared at Poppy.

"My sentiments, exactly," Poppy said as she flopped down onto one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

"Woah," said Hannah "That's a lot."

"Tell me about it," Poppy said as she picked up one of the candies in the bowl on the table.

"Ok, so you're sure it wasn't the guy from Broadway?"

"I mean, pretty sure. He was full of himself, and we were always sneaking around, and I never had an orgasm with him."

"You never had an orgasm with him?" Hannah clarified.

"No, but I thought maybe it was just a growing pains thing. How did the spell feel with you and Graham?"

Poppy watched as her best friend's face glazed over with a sappy smile. "Well, I mean, we did fight with each other at first, but there was no way either of us could have fought the spark that danced between us every time we touched. And once we kissed it was all over. I tried for a minute to fight it, but I knew I was powerless. Okay, back to you, why do you think it is Josh?"

“Okay, so after things were a flop with Damien, I went to see Bridget and she was all like ‘follow your heart” which is bullshit advice if I’ve ever heard any.”

“Stop, you went to see her? I’m just trying to keep it all straight,” Hannah said, trying to follow Poppy’s animated storytelling.

“You were gone too long Hannah.”

“Well excuse me for getting married.”

“You’re excused, now keep up.”

“I’m trying!” Hannah said, chuckling under her breath with amusement.

“Yes, Bridget is here. I went to see her when I was feeling like things with Damien were not what I wanted. She told me to just follow my heart. I tried to think about it, I mean I have always wanted to get out of Mystic Falls, but it seems the more I think about it the more I question if that is what I truly want. I mean if I really wanted to leave that badly, why am I still here?”

Hannah just nodded, knowing Poppy clearly wasn’t finished.

"See this is the thing, because of that I wouldn't think it was Josh because all I have ever wanted to do was get out of this town, and Josh Turner is the walking embodiment of this town. Being in love with Josh Turner is like being in love with the town itself."

Hannah nodded, no one would deny that. Josh was a staple in this town. He knew everyone, had worked everywhere, and was basically the heart of the town.

"But there was this moment right between us before Damien showed up. And then on closing night we kissed in the prop closet, and it was the best kiss of my entire life. I just want to be close to him, physically close, it feels like this magnetic pull, like I can't fight it. And then yesterday he took me on a picnic and made me come so hard I couldn't see straight."

Hannah sat there across the table grinning at her.

"What are you smiling at?" Poppy asked.