Page 32 of Spotlight on Poppy

Poppy tried to shake those thoughts. She’d woken up early that morning and decided to start baking. It was her day off in the store, so she busied herself in the kitchen. It used to be her dream to open a bakery somewhere, but she never thought of doing one here. If she was honest, she had many dreams of that sort, but none of them had much staying power. This one could be different. This could be a good start for her, and Sam loved it when she baked for the store. But she wasn’t quite sure yet. Thinking about what she actually wanted had made her realize this opportunity was right under her nose. So, this morning she was baking. She had made some apple cider doughnuts, a dozen apple pies, and some cinnamon apple swirl bread.

As she was packaging some of it up the kitchen door opened, and her gran walked in.

"Something certainly smells good this morning," she said, giving Poppy a warm smile. Her eyes scanned the kitchen taking in the doughnuts, pies, and loaves of bread. "My you have been a busy girl this morning."

"I was just in the mood to bake," said Poppy with a shrug.

"Usually, you don’t set foot in the store on your days off."

"I know, I just couldn't really sleep, so I decided to bake instead." She offered her gran a doughnut.

"Are these my mother's recipe?" she asked.

"Of course. These are the best doughnuts, and the only ones I know how to make, but I’m hoping to branch out," she said as she surveyed all she had made this morning. "Do you want to help me package all of this up and get them out to the store?"

The two of them worked, getting everything ready for sale. "Leave out a couple turnovers. I am going on a picnic with Josh today and I told him I would bring dessert."

"Going on a picnic with Josh Turner?" her gran asked with a raised eyebrow. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe? I think I like him."

"He’s a very sweet boy, Poppy. Be careful with him."

"I think you have the advice backwards gran, aren't you supposed to warn him not to hurt your little girl?"

"I know sweetheart, but he has had a rough life. I love you with every beat of my heart, you know that, but you’re a little flighty sometimes."

Poppy was a little taken back by this conversation. This is not what she was expecting.

"What do you mean he's had a rough life? I've known him my whole life," Poppy said.

"I know you both lost your mother's that same year and that is hard. But you had a loving place to land. You had me and your grandfather, you had your own father, who’s an amazing dad. Not everyone has that."

Poppy nodded, trying to take in what she was saying. The more she got to know Josh the more she realized she didn'treallyknow him at all. She had this idea in her head of who she thought he was; this happy, nice guy who would give anyone the shirt off his back. She was still certain he was that, but he had more layers than she had thought. Poppy found herself wanting to know all of them. She wanted to know about his life and make sure he was never sad ever again. That was a thought she could not bear. She was also very interested in learning more about the Josh she watched on the bull.

After they got all the items for the store packaged up, Poppy went upstairs to get ready for her date. A picnic. She wasn't sure what that meant when it came to getting ready. Like a cute picnic dress for an easy park picnic? Or did she need something a little more outdoorsy, was there hiking involved? Hopefully not too much hiking, Poppy wasn't averse to hiking, but she wasn't what you would call outdoorsy. She decided she would text Josh to find out.

Poppy: Hey, So I'm trying to figure out what to wear, will there be walking involved? Woods? I need more information than picnic.

Josh: Just a little walking, nothing too crazy. I'm sure whatever you wear will be perfect. Perfectly Poppy.

Perfectly Poppy, that made her smile. She couldn't help but feel the giddiness bubbling inside her.

Poppy: OK, I'll be ready

Josh showedup at one on the nose. He was very punctual, because of course he was. She was sitting out on the porch swing enjoying the fall day when he came. Most people here loved the fall but living at an apple orchard the fall was busy. Poppy was glad to have some time off.

Josh got out of his SUV and walked up to the porch. "Hey, are you ready?"

"Yep, let's go."

He took the container with the turnovers from her hands and led the way to the car. He popped the back gate and set them in. Poppy spied a picnic basket and a blanket. She didn't remember the last time she’d been on a picnic. This was nice.

Josh opened the door for her, and Poppy climbed in. She had decided to go with jeans, a big sweater, and some of her favorite boots. She felt cute and comfy. Josh's car was spotless, she knew he drove Uber, but it was pristine. Poppy chuckled thinking about the state of her car. Half of her wardrobe resided in the back seat, scrunchies on anything a scrunchie could go, because she always decided she wanted her hair up halfway through the day, water bottles and charging cords everywhere, and of course a big poppy hanging from the rear-view mirror. It was quite the comparison to his. His car even smelled like a new car.

As Josh started down the driveway Poppy couldn't help but to feel excited, but she found herself to be a little nervous as well. She fiddled with the hem on her sweater. Josh looked over at her and smiled and took her hand. There was that zing.What was that?

"So, where are we headed?" She asked.