Page 22 of Spotlight on Poppy

"Of course, I’ll see you at the cast party,” he said. He flashed her a smile that she felt deep in her soul.

Poppy went out and found her family. Sam swept her into a big hug. How is it that Poppy missed him while he had been right next door? Then she hugged her dad and her gran. They all told her how great the show was and how good she did. She tried to be in the moment and listen to them, but she could not stop thinking about that moment she and Josh had just shared. Maybe it was just residual energy from the show. They were in love on the stage, so maybe that had just bled over into real life.

As she talked to her family, she felt people push past her. It was always packed after shows, people visiting with their family who came to the show, and it was loud and chaotic, the type of energy Poppy thrived in. But even with this type of attention on her, she found herself searching for Josh in the crowd.



After the show Josh went out into the house to find his sister. On his way, he was stopped by Mr. Fipps, owner of Fipps Market.

“Josh,” he said, reaching out to grab his hand. “Great job up there tonight. Is there anything you can’t do?”

“Thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed the show. Performing with a cast like that makes it easy. Have you seen Lexi?”

“Yeah, she’s towards the back.”

He clapped Josh on the back one more time and Josh went looking for her.

“Josh.” He heard his name called again and turned to see Vivian Williams, whose husband had helped Josh with the sets. She pulled him into a hug. “You were great! How you remember all those lines I’ll never know. You and Theo did a great job on the sets.”

“Well, he taught me everything I know about tools, so I’m sure if the sets look good it's all because of the skills of your husband.”

“You’re too modest, Josh,” she said with a warm smile.

“Have you seen Lexi? I’m trying to find her.” His eyes scanned the crowd again. “Oh, I see her. If you’ll excuse me.”

“Tell Lexi hello for me.”

“Of course, have a nice night,” he said as she pulled him into one last hug.

He managed to make his way over to Lexi without being stopped, again.

“I wondered how many people would stop you on the way over,” she said to him with a smirk.

“Well, what did you think?”

“That you are amazing. That’s what I always think.” She reached up on her toes to hug him. He hugged her back tightly. The two of them were a pair. Josh was 6’3 and muscular and Lexi was 5’2 and round. The only thing that even hinted at the familial relationship was their piercing blue eyes.

“Do you want to come to the cast party?” he asked.

“I’m not in the cast,” she said dryly.

“I know, but you’re always invited,” he said in hopes of reassuring her.

“I appreciate that, but I have an early morning at the inn.”

“Okay, but as long as you know you are invited.”

“I do, thank you. You and Poppy sounded great up there tonight.”

“Yeah, it felt really good tonight,” he said as he ran his hand through his hair.

“Well, baby brother, I’m going to get going, but as always I’m so proud of you.” She pulled him in for one last hug. “I’ll see you at home.”

As she turned to leave Josh scanned the theater. It had mostly cleared out. There were still some cast members visiting with family, and there was Poppy with her family. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her talk to her brother. Her father beamed with pride. Her gran, tiny in stature, stood well with the other tall members of the Smith family. Jackson was talking to her gran with a kind hand on her back. There was something about the Smith family that always pulled at his heart. Anyone could see the love they all had for each other. He never grew up with family around him and it was something he always wanted. He yearned for that sense of unconditional love and support. It had always seemed like a dream and something unattainable for him.

He caught Poppy’s glance. She gave him a big smile and it warmed his heart. He nodded at her and gave a small smile then headed backstage to the dressing rooms to get changed.