“I’m sanding and staining the gazebo at the inn,” he said, taking out his wallet.
“If you are looking for any help I know my nephew, DeMarcus, learned a lot helping you put the deck on the back of the Elbow Room last summer,” Theo said as he rang him up.
“He’s a great kid. I’m hoping to get this done today and tomorrow, but next job I get working over the weekend I’ll call him up.”
“Thanks, Josh. See you soon.” Theo handed the bag and bucket of stain to Josh.
“Thanks Theo. Tell Vivian hello for me,” Josh said as he headed to the door.
“Will do!” he called back.
He knew some people didn't like small town life, they found it suffocating. Josh, on the other hand, enjoyed it. It comforted him that people here knew him, and that people here looked out for one another. He enjoyed that if he walked into The Corner Cafe, Mae would ask him if he wanted his usual and bring him French toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon, or give him a cinnamon muffin and coffee to go. He liked that when he went into Fipps Market, Mr. Fipps would stop and talk to him and ask about his sister. If he went into Mystic Falls Books, Katie McPhee would ask him to get something off the top shelf and give him a free cup of coffee. This town was predictable and often called on him to help, and he was more than happy to do so.
Turning the block, he saw someone he didn't recognize moving a table into an empty storefront. It was a woman struggling with a table that was about the same size as she was. Josh set down his supplies and rushed to hold the door and take the table from her.
"Let me help you with that, ma'am," he said.
"Why thank ye, Laddie. It is appreciated,” she answered back.
Josh entered the empty storefront and saw that it was full of boxes and a couple chairs. He couldn't tell what type of business she was moving in.
"Where do you want this?" he asked as he easily maneuvered the table into the small store.
"Oh, just set it down right there for now, I still need to figure out where things are going."
"What kind of business are you starting?" he asked looking around the room. Setting down the table he noticed a little wobble to it.
"A magic shop," said the woman plain as day.
Josh stopped and finally took note of the woman. She looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite place her. She was short and round with a head full of wild red hair that was starting to gray. She smiled right at him, and Josh could almost sense a magic twinkle in her eye.
"A magic shop? like a magic and joke shop?" he asked.
"No, a real magic store. I tell fortunes and sell herbs and spells to people who need them," she said.
"Huh..." he said, taking it all in with a gentle nod. "I didn't know our little town needed a magic shop, but the best of luck to you. Do you need help with anything else?"
"Well, if ye don't mind, I do have some shelves out there that are mighty heavy for me. Would you mind bringing them in?"
"Of course." Josh found the purple VW bus and got to work unloading shelves.
Once he had them all unloaded, he looked around.
"Your accent, Are you Scottish?"
"Aye, but I left Scotland a long time ago."
"Well, whenever they get back in town I will have Graham stop by. He just moved to the area from Scotland."
"Oh, I am very familiar with Hannah and Graham," the woman said with a smile.
"Yes! That is where I recognize you from. You were at their wedding."
"Aye, I was."
Josh suddenly remembered the gazebo and the time schedule. He needed to get started.
"Well, ma'am, I need to get going, but if you need help with anything else. I'm pretty easy to find. My name is Josh Turner," he said as he flashed his notoriously friendly smile and held out his hand. She took it and gave it a gentle shake.