“Of course.”
The back door opened as Gran and Poppy both headed into the kitchen. Jackson came in and hung up his jacket. “Sam is on his way. He wanted to stop by the house and clean up before dinner.”
“Wonderful, will you two set the table?” Gran asked.
Poppy and Jackson got to work setting the table while Gran finished up the dinner.
Sam and her dad came in talking numbers. “This is the best year we have had yet. We may have to add on another field trip day. I had to turn away a group yesterday because we didn’t have any more space this season,” her dad said.
“That’s definitely something to think about,” Sam answered back as he hung his jacket up.
“No,” Poppy groaned. “No more field trips.”
They both ignored her. Everyone found a seat around the table, but Josh wasn’t there yet. Poppy decided to go find him to see what was taking so long. She found him in the living room standing over by the piano.
“What are you doing?” she asked as she walked over to him.
He was there looking at the picture on the piano. He picked up a frame examining it. As she got to him, she rubbed his back. He was looking at their wedding photo. He looked so handsome in his suit and Poppy wore a flowing white gown with a hair braided and flowers tucked in, and they stood among the flowering apple trees in the orchard. Setting the picture down with all the other photos, he turned to her and gave her a tight hug. When she pulled away, she looked into his eyes and saw they seemed a bit misty.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yeah, I am. I’m really happy, Poppy,” he said, bending his head to give her a kiss.
“Me too.” They stood there for a moment longer looking at the pictures on the piano.
“Are you guys coming or what?” Sam called from the kitchen.
“You ready?” she asked.
“We’re coming,” Josh answered back.
Poppy turned to walk away. Josh smacked her ass and she stopped. “I have some plans for you when we get home, princess,” he whispered in her ear as he walked by.
She still got the flutters when he called her princess in that low raspy voice.
She walked into the kitchen as everyone was sitting down. And she had to admit, she was happy too. Things may not have turned out like she had expected them too, but they were better than she could have ever dreamed.
25 years later
Josh stoodoutside the event center on a beautiful fall day. On the other side of this building was a field full of people waiting for him to walk his daughter down the aisle. He couldn't believe this day was finally upon them. He looked over and saw his wife walking towards him. She was still as beautiful as the day she married him, although some grays had found her hair and her eyes were bracketed by the tell-tale lines of a life full of laughter.
"You look beautiful, Poppy. I would marry you again today if I could," he said, reaching out his hand for hers. She reached back for him, and he pulled her close to him and kissed her. Even after all these years the pull was still there, that magic that existed between them still just as strong as it was when he kissed her in the prop room all those years ago.
"They’re on their way down. I think we’re just about ready to get started," she said.
"You may be ready, but I’m not. I'm not ready to give up my little girl."
"She's not going anywhere, and you are gaining a son, growing the family bigger. You love that,” she said with a knowing smile.
"You're right, I do, but where did all the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was pushing her on the swing in the backyard and here she is today getting married."
The string quartet started playing as he spotted his daughter and her two best friends coming out of the house. She looked beautiful in her dress with her dark beautiful hair flowing and her blue eyes smiling. He felt the tears already pooling in his eyes. He took a deep breath and blinked them away.
"I need to go, I’ll see you down there," Poppy whispered in her ear and gave him a quick kiss. He watched her walk away and smiled at the way her wide hips swayed as she walked. He was still just as attracted to her as he had ever been, much to the chagrin of their children who were constantly groaning at his and Poppy's frequent displays of affection.
His daughter joined him there on the steps. She smiled up at him. She had Poppy's big smile that lit up any room she was in. The tears he had been fighting won the battle and streamed down his face.