Page 78 of Spotlight on Poppy

"It's yours. Meet me at my office tomorrow to start the paperwork."

Josh pulled his realtor into a giant bear hug. Then he turned with the biggest grin on his face she had ever seen.

"We got it," he said to Poppy, shock still in his eyes

"What?" Poppy’s brain was still trying to catch up to the life altering events of the last few seconds.

"We got the house!" he yelled, and the microphone carried the news to the whole town.

Poppy squealed as he pulled her into the biggest hug. He kissed her and she melted.

"This is only the beginning. I cannot wait to see where we go next. I love you,” he said.

"I love you too." She kissed him again.

The Cheering finally started to register in her mind. She looked out at the whole town. She could see Hannah and Graham, and her family. Josh's sister was smiling up at them bigger than anyone else. The center of attention was something Poppy had sought out since a young age, but it never felt like this. She had never felt this sense of love and belonging before, but she had a feeling starting a life with Josh would only be the beginning to this feeling. She only hoped he felt it too.




“Hey Josh, I’m just about finished up here for the day. Gran invited us over for dinner. I think she put in a roast. Sam and Jackson are going to be there. Do you want to go?” she asked as she washed her hands.

“Of course. You know I’m always up for a family dinner,” Josh called from the dining area of their little cafe. He had just finished wiping down the tables and setting the chairs for the night.

She did know that. They were married at the orchard in spring when the apple trees were in bloom. It was Poppy’s favorite time of year, when the orchard was full of flowers. Sam was glad they picked then as well because the workload wasn’t as heavy for an orchard in the spring. Even though they got married only six months after they started dating, it all felt right. Plus, Poppy wasn’t one to wait once she set her mind to something.

Poppy finished wiping down the table in the kitchen and checked the list of things she was baking in the morning. She really had found her place here. She enjoyed baking and although it was still midseason the cafe had been a hit. The orchard business was booming, and she got to spend her days with Josh.

He had been able to quit Uber and didn’t do much handyman work anymore. He still did a couple shifts at the bar, mainly because Poppy loved watching him ride. He worked most of his days here with her and sometimes Sam would steal him to help with some of the other work on the orchard. Josh seemed really happy, he fit in perfectly with her family. She knew how important it was to him to have that.

Poppy was drying her hands as Josh came through the door.

“Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yep, let me just grab my jacket and we’ll head over.”

He helped her slip on her jacket and locked up the kitchen and the store. On the way over to the house he held her hand. Sometimes she had to pinch herself because she fell a little bit more in love with him every day.

They walked in the door, and she heard her gran in the kitchen.

“Is that you Poppy?”

“Yeah, it’s me. Do you need any help?”

“Is Josh with you?” asked Gran.

“Of course, he is.”

She walked out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. “Oh good,” she walked over and gave him a hug.

“Nice to see you too, Gran,” Poppy said, pretending to be offended.

“Josh, if you go to the top of the attic stairs you will find a box of Halloween decorations I set aside. Poppy told me you both are getting ready for a haunted house in your cellar. I just love that,” said Gran.

“Wonderful, I’ll go grab them. Thank you for setting them aside for us,” Josh said.