Page 57 of Spotlight on Poppy

"I got the best road trip playlist. Are you ready?" Poppy asked.

"Let's hear it," said Hannah. Poppy connected her phone, and the Spice Girls began to play over the speakers.

"I should’ve known,” Hannah said, shaking her head. Poppy turned up the volume and they hit the road.

For the first part of the trip Hannah talked about her honeymoon. They had only gotten together once since she had been back, there was some catching up to do. She heard all about her trip to Scotland, how her book was going, all of that punctuated with lots of car singing and road snacks, like every good road trip should be.

"Can I ask you something, Han?" Poppy asked.

"Have you ever not asked me anything?" Hannah said.

"Fair point... How did you decide that you wanted to settle in Mystic Falls? You have the whole world open to you, you lived in the city so many people dream of living in, and you gave it all up to live in a tiny town."

"I don't really know why, but I always felt drawn to Mystic Falls. For me I think it is just a speed of life thing. I enjoy the slower pace. I enjoy the space and room. I enjoy knowing people and the community that goes with it.” Hannah said, glancing over at Poppy. “I get that it's not for everyone, but I was ready."

Poppy nodded trying to take it all in.

"Does this have anything to do with Josh?" Hannah shot her a knowing glance.

"You know it does, I always thought I wanted out of Mystic Falls. I spent my whole life planning a getaway. I even managed it once, but something always got in the way. When I did my spell, I was hoping for something big like what you got, I was hoping for this major change to let my life begin finally. But instead, I fell in love with Josh, who is the town personified. Does that mean I'm falling in love with the town? After wanting to leave my entire life?"

Hannah just watched the road and nodded listening to Poppy.

"Is it even possible to love a town? I mean Josh seems to, and he has every reason to. This town really took care of him and his sister, and it makes him happy. And I need Josh to be happy. I mean, like, it is a visceral need. My heart aches at the thought of him being upset which is crazy right? I am not in charge of anyone's happiness but my own. I’ve lived my life that way, but now I think maybe I’ve been selfish. Maybe I don't know the town and the people around me because I was too busy thinking that it was not what I wanted, when maybe it was what I wanted but I was just too stupid to realize."

Hannah interrupted her. "Okay, I'm just going to stop you for a minute. You’re not selfish or stupid, but other than that I say keep going. I think you are figuring it out on your own.”

"You might think so, but I'm not entirely certain. I just can't help but feel like no matter what I choose I am letting a version of myself down."

"Poppy, why did you want to leave so bad?" Hannah asked very matter-of-factly.

She thought about it, like really thought about it. Poppy had thought of the how and the what if part of things, but never fully the why.

"I guess I have always craved adventure."

"And you can't get that living in Mystic Falls?"

"I didn't think so, but this all seems to be a pretty big adventure."

"Helping me move?" Hannah grinned at her.

"No, ya weirdo! And let's be honest about that real quick, I can pack a box but we both know I'm not moving the heavy shit,” Poppy said.

"Oh, I know. That's why Graham and your brother are driving up tomorrow. But in all seriousness, I think you can have adventures there. Also, if my ears did not deceive me, I did hear you say you love Josh."

Poppy took a deep breath. She did say that because if she was being honest that is how she felt. She did love him.

"Do you think Josh would let you guys live a boring life?” Hannah asked. “I haven't been close with him in years, but I do recall there never being a dull moment with him."

She thought about that for a moment, and she knew Hannah was right. Josh was a constant surprise, and she had a feeling that even after years of being together he was still the type of person that would continue to surprise her. And she knew she wanted the life, the house, and the visions she had in it. She wanted the feeling that came with it. What was holding her back?

"Okay, so clearly that magic works differently for different people, but did you ever have dreams or visions?"

Hannah glanced over at Poppy and shook her head.

"Okay, well I had a dream the night I took the tea, but then I have had other visions along the way. Like our first kiss, when we got a tarot reading, and then the ones in the house..." Poppy trailed off thinking of the vision that felt so real of her rocking a baby in the room looking down in the backyard while Josh pushed a beautiful giggling child on the swing. That felt real. It was what she had spent her whole life trying to run from but felt better than anything she could have ever dreamed.

"What house?" Hannah asked.