"I did not know he could do that," Hannah was the first one to say.
"How did he do that?" Sam added on.
"Damn Poppy, he’s got to be amazing in bed," Jackson said.
All Poppy could do was grin. They had no idea, but after that show she needed to be reminded of that and soon... like really soon.
The night went on and they had fun. Hannah and Graham decided they were going to get going. Sam was looking tired, Poppy was hoping she had another ride home, so she made her way to the bar when there was a lull in service.
"Hey, I think my brother is getting ready to go, but I was wondering if maybe the hot bartender would take me home tonight?"
"I think that can be arranged. We close at one and I have to finish some stuff up. But if you want to hang around, it would be my pleasure to take you home," he said as he cocked an eyebrow. Poppy blushed at the look on his face. Oh man, she had it bad, but she wouldn't have it any other way.
Poppy made her way back to the table. "If you guys want to head home, I think I’m going to wait until Josh gets off and leave with him."
"Yeah, you are." Jackson said with a grin.
"Are you sure?" Sam asked, gently elbowing Jackson in the ribs.
"Yeah, I’m sure. You guys head home when you are ready."
Poppy claimed a chair at the end of the bar and watched Josh as he tended bar. He was a natural at this job. He talked to people and made them feel comfortable. He rode the bull again and Poppy could barely contain herself. She was going to jump him as soon as he was off. Oh man, she wanted those talented hips pushing into her again.
The DJ called last call and the crowd started to thin out. Soon it was quiet, and the staff was going about their closing duties. Josh was running some stuff to the storeroom and Poppy was scrolling her phone posting pics from the evening to social media when one of the waitresses stopped by to chat with her.
"So, you're here with Josh?" she asked with a smile.
"How long have you guys been together?" she asked.
"Not long, but we have known each other for a long time."
"Well, you must be something special, he never really gives any of the girls who are constantly hitting on him the time of day.” she said with a kind smile.
"Oh yeah?" Poppy didn't like to think of other girls hitting on him, but she trusted him. That she was certain of, love spell or not, Josh Turner wasn't that kind of guy.
"Yeah, you should see what happens when a bachelorette party comes in," she said with a laugh.
"What do you mean?"
"Here watch this." She pulled her phone from a pocket in her apron and pulled up a video and handed her phone to Poppy. Poppy watched as a woman wearing a bridal veil with penises on it sat on the bull. It started to buck underneath her and before she knew it Josh jumped up onto the bull and settled behind the woman. This girl wearing a veil headband fit firmly between his legs, her back pressed into his chest. She watched as the bull bucked and Josh rode the bull in the same sensual way with this girl between his thighs. When the bull started a gyrating motion, he pushed her chest down till she was flat on the bull and spanked her. He then pulled her back up by her hair and they finished out the ride.
Poppy's mouth hung open. She had no clue two people could even ride that thing, let alone ride it in such a sexual way. Then there was the sight of another girl with Josh like that and it did make her feel jealous, but not angry. It was his job. Right? But why hadn't he told her.
"Wow, I didn't know he did that," Poppy said, handing her back her phone
"Yeah, he makes good money on those nights," she said, returning it to her pocket.
Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Josh watching her from the storeroom door. He stopped and looked at her. Concerned pinched his brows.
"I'm outta here, Josh. You're the last one here. Lock up as you leave," the waitress called to Josh.
"You got it, Jess. Drive home safely."
She turned to leave but he didn't take his eyes off Poppy. "I just got a few things to finish up then we can get out of here."
Poppy smiled and nodded. She didn't know what to say. Watching that video had thrown her. Could he ride the bull like that with her? She really wanted to try.