Page 4 of Spotlight on Poppy

"Goodnight sweetheart."

Poppy left the room and grabbed her purse that contained the little vial. It was time. Tonight, was the start of a fairytale of her own.

Poppy climbed the stairs to her bedroom. It was the same room she had slept in since she was a little girl. She had gotten away for a few years when she went to college. But after her grandfather died, it was all hands on deck to manage the orchard. Of course, she moved home, but she never thought she would be here this long. She had updated the room as much as she could, changing the wall color and adding some framed photos instead of tacked up posters, but there was only so much she could do. Being almost twenty-eight living at home and working the register at her family's orchard was a little soul-crushing. There had to be more to life than this. More adventure. More romance. Just plain more.

The vial in her hand was the answer.

Poppy sat on her bed and placed the cup of tea on her nightstand. Opening the drawer, she pulled out a notebook and a pen. What was it she was looking for? She wished she knew. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind, to hone in on what it was that she wanted. Taking the pen, she wrote the three words that came to her. Contentment. Love. Adventure. These things seem simple, but they had always been just out of her reach.

Holding the vial in her hand, she pulled the little cork out of the glass vial and sniffed it. Nothing. It had no odor. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she was ready for what it could bring. Tipping the vial, she dumped the contents into her cup. The liquid swirled and shimmered in her tea.

Now is the time, she thought. Bottoms up.

She drank the tea in little sips at first because it was still quite hot. As she blew on it, she thought of what it would bring. Hannah told Poppy she had asked for love. She had asked for a man she wouldn't have to take care of. Graham was great for her. He took care of her. He noticed her needs in a way no one ever had, even her family. Hannah was absolutely in love with him. It was a magical thing to witness. Everyone could see the magic. Although no one knew how truly magical it felt, except them.

Poppy wanted love, but more than anything she wanted adventure. She wanted a life that was as big as she was. And while, yes, she was a big person, her body was nothing compared to her personality. She was larger than life. All her life, Poppy had been told she’s too much. She never really knew if they were talking about her body, her loud mouth, or her straight forward attitude, but she tried to just let it go. Her gran always told her not to let people bother her. “Don't be limited by the small minds of people in this small town.” Those words helped Poppy keep her sparkle in those tough times. Poppy was who she was, like it or not. And this was her time. She was going to get out of here and claim the magic for herself.

Poppy took another sip of the tea, now cool enough to drink, and downed the whole thing in a few gulps. She set the mug down, pulled the blankets up, and went to sleep.

When sleep finally found her, she had the strangest dream. She was walking through the forest filled with a dense fog. And even though she was surrounded by trees and green underbrush, it smelled of beer and peanuts. After walking down the path for a little bit, searching for something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, she came to an elevator in the woods.

After inspecting it, she pressed the up-arrow button. A bell sounded and the doors slid open. Poking her head in she checked it out, trying to decide if it was to be trusted. Taking a deep breath, she walked in. Instead of their being floor numbers, there was only one button marked clouds. Giving it a push, the door closed, and the elevator shifted beneath her feet. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open revealing that she was actually up in the clouds. Poppy tested the cloud with a foot to see if she could stand. They easily supported her weight, and she stepped out and they felt solid beneath her feet. She walked to the edge of the cloud and looked down.

It was the main street of Mystic Falls, the sleepy little town she had lived in her entire life. Mystic Falls was a small town that consisted of three stop lights, a handful of bars and restaurants, a library, a little theater, a few other shops, and a gas station.

There was a festival, because there was always a festival. She could see everyone who lived there gathered. Hannah and Graham were there, looking ridiculously happy, and Poppy was once again, not jealous at all. Then she saw Sam and Jackson enjoying themselves. Josh Turner was standing next to them, but he didn’t seem to be enjoying the festival, he was searching the skies for something. Further down she saw her gran standing next to her dad. She had to stop for a moment as her heart fluttered and she saw her mother standing right beside her dad. She looked up, right at Poppy and smiled.

"It's coming, Poppy. Trust in yourself and follow your heart. I love you, I have been watching over you. Your time is coming, darling. Just make sure you can find a quiet place in your heart to hear the truth."

The dream dissolved away to the sound of Poppy's alarm clock. She had to get up and get ready for work but would have given anything to go back into that dream. The voice of her mother was still ringing in her ears. When Poppy was a child, her mother had gotten cancer, and when Poppy was twelve, she passed away. It was a long time ago but losing her mother at such a young age shaped Poppy. If she was honest, it was probably a big part of why she could never move away. She clung to all the wonderful memories she had of her mother, and all those memories were here.

She wasn't sure what all of that meant, but she would be forever grateful for the witch. Even if the spell didn't help, she had the comforting sound of her mother's voice in her head all morning, and that was more of her mother than she had had in years.



Josh Turner walked into play rehearsal at the Little Theater on the Square, the community theater of Mystic Falls. This wonderful little theater had been host to many shows and some of his happiest memories. It was a place he could relax and be who he was. And right now, he counted himself as lucky, because he was playing one of his all-time favorite roles opposite one of his favorite people.

He was thrilled to be playing Seymore opposite Poppy’s Audrey. Poppy Smith had been a constant in his life. The whole Smith family had been a constant in his life if he was being honest, but there was something special about Poppy. Anyone who ever met Poppy could tell there was something about her. She had this energy around her. She was so full of life. It was contagious and it was something Josh needed in his own life.

He entered their little theater and saw most of the cast hadn’t yet arrived, but the long dark hair cascading over the back of one of the seats belonged to his favorite cast member. Poppy was sitting in the front row looking down at her phone. Her dark hair flowed down her back and a signature flower tucked behind her ear. Poppy always had flowers tucked in her hair. Josh loved that about her. If he was being honest with himself there wasn't much about Poppy that he didn't love.

"Hey Poppy," Josh said as he sat behind her and gave her hair a gentle tug.

Poppy startled and turned in her seat. When she registered it was him, she smiled broadly up at him. That smile blossomed inside of him.

"Did you hear the news?" she asked. Her face was even more lit up than normal, and since she had a face that could light up a room on a normal day it almost hurt to look at the light coming off her today.

"No, what's up?"

"I'm not actually sure yet, but Steve said he was going to be about thirty minutes late to rehearsal and we should just run lines until he gets here. He’s picking someone up from the train station," she said smiling.

Steve was the director of their show and local high school English teacher. He moved to Mystic Falls a few years back. Before that he was a teacher in Albany.

"Who is he getting?" Josh asked.

"I don't know, it's a mystery. He said it was someone to help with the show." She beamed at him. “Who do you think it is?”