Page 106 of Cohen's Control

We sit there for a moment as she stares at the frozen image on the screen and then her gaze veers my way again. “Lance,” she breathes, putting things together. “Aug? And Lance? I suspected there was more going on with them, but I wouldn’t have liked to guess.” She looks back at the screen and back to me again. “Who am I in this scenario?”

I laugh and shake my head. “I don’t know, butIdefinitely think you’re someone.”

She shakes her head too, like there’s too much rattling around in there and she needs to settle it. She grabs her head with her hands. “Aug and Lance…” she trails off.

I take her hand again, bringing her back to me. I kiss her knuckles. “Whatever is going on with them, I’m sure they’ll work it out.”

Her eyes are wide. “Wow.” She flips the scene back on and we watch in rapt silence as she settles between the two of them, guiding Otis’s hand to Tucker’s cock, and Tucker’s hand to Otis’s. With her palms wrapping theirs, she ski’s until they’re both spilling over, and the scene ends, the screen going dark.

“That was hot,” I tell her, my cock lifting from beneath the sheet despite the fact I’ve just had her twice. I point to the hard ridge and the dark spot on the sheet. “This is why I keep my distance on set.”

She wiggles her brows. “Well, we’re at home now, so you don’t have to stay away. In fact,” she says, yawning and she nestles against me. “Put it in me, Cohen, and keep me full and warm until I fall asleep.”

“Big day tomorrow,” I say, feathering kisses along her jaw as we get comfortable on our sides, her the little spoon. She lifts her leg, opening herself, and I slide inside, groaning at the warm, comfortable feeling of her pussy.

With my chin on her shoulder, her blonde hair wrapping my senses and tickling my nose, I grip her hip and talk softly in her ear. I’m getting so used to just being inside of her without coming, it’s so intimate and strangely romantic. “You ready?”

She’s been in classes for a couple of weeks now, and tomorrow is her first test since she’s been back. It’s an Information Securities exam for her Computer and Network Security class. She’s had her head in her laptop for nearly two weeks straight. Well, in her laptop when it’s not in my lap, or under the lights at Crave.

“I’m ready,” she yawns, “and I’m ready to have it behind me, to know if I revised the right way.”

My dick twitches as her cunt flutters around me, her body growing soft with her sleepiness and comfort. She turns her head back to me over her shoulder. “I love you, Co.” She yawns again, and I capture it with my lips.

“Love you, too, baby. Sleep well.”

She reaches back and fills her palm with my bare ass. “I always do.”

I close my eyes, running down the list of things to talk to my therapist about tomorrow. First thing? How full of hope I am, followed by reduction of my antidepressant doses. But my eyes grow heavy and Scarlett is so comfortable next to me, that I drift off, knowing I’ll sleep well. Without question.



I’m practically vibratingas the slates clack, and the scene ends. Maxi outstretches her arms, and the back of my nose grows warm. If I speak right now, I will full on cry, so I give her a wide smile and fall into her hug.

“Your last for three months!” she says, her cheek pressed tight to mine.

“I know,” I say quietly into her hair, holding her a moment longer to get control of my emotions. I don’t know why I’m so emotional—I’m not quitting Crave. I’m still part time and will be part time when I return. But my Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence courses really fucking reared their heads on week four, and I found myself behind and panicked.

One night, while sitting snugly in Cohen’s lap, crying my frustrations and fears that maybe I couldn’t finish, that maybe it was all just too big of a dream, he suggested that I take a small hiatus from filming.

Loved by Lucy has been exceeding sales projections. Not only is my position safe at Crave as a part time film star, but Aug promised me, when Cohen took me to him the next day, that I’d have a place here as long as I wanted. He also assured me that I could shape that role, be it IT or acting. That’s when I said I needed a small break. Just a couple of months to get back into the headspace of deep, critical thinking. Hours of going through lines of code is challenging to anyone, but after a two year break, it felt impossible.

“I am coming back though, I promise,” I say, sniffling the burning feeling away with a smile.

Around me, a silk robe comes down on my shoulders, Cohen smoothing his wide palms down my biceps. “It’s after noon,” he says into my ear, after pressing a kiss to the edge of my jaw.

I spin to face him, blocking out the set and bright lights behind me. My exam results should be posted at noon, and I’m dying to know how I did. It feels a lot like this first test will tell me if I can do this. Cohen says no matter what the test result, I am meant to do this and he believes that with his entire being.

It’s crazy that I believe in him believing in me more than I believe in myself.

He drops to a knee, putting my fuzzy slippers out in front of me. Carefully and slowly, he drapes a palm over one foot, and looks up at me as he slides the slipper on. “You can do anything you want,” he says, voice husky. He switches feet, and the grate of his calloused thumb along the arch of my foot has wetness burgeoning between my thighs. He slips the other fuzzy slipper on, still looking at me when he says, “And I’m here to support you while you do.”

Then he stands, but smooths his fingers and palms up my bare legs as he does. A sudden shiver wracks my shoulders as he pulls me into a hug, smoothing his hand around my back in comforting circles. “It’s pulled up on my computer, if you want to look.”

I waffle our fingers together. “Let’s rip off the bandaid.”

We head that way, my mind racing. I think I did well on the exam, I mean, I studied a ton. And when the anxiety of studying that much seemed to swallow me up, Cohen pulled me into his lap, slipped himself inside of me, and I wiggled on his cock while sifting through my notes yet again.