The SUV is on and running with everyone waiting inside. My spot in the back between Griffyn and Felix is waiting for me. I climb over Griffyn, who grabs my ass, to get to it.
When we arrive at the man’s house, a shiver runs down my spine. I wouldn’t be back here if we had better options.
It’s extremely awkward when the man opens the door to see us standing there. He just stares at us blankly.
“Hello, I’m not sure if you remember us but we are the team assigned by the council to capture the vampire who held you captive,” Felix says politely.
He sounds friendly but we still make an intimidating sight. I remember how much better he reacted to me in the hospital than the guys so I step forward.
“I’m not sure if you remember me, we talked in the hospital. We just want to follow up and gain any information that will help us in the case.”
He nods, “I know who you are. I’m just deciding if I want to deal with you or not.”
Eugine steps back and allows us into the foyer. He doesn’t welcome us any further though. I would be wary too after everything that happened.
“Are you close to finding him? That bastard ruined my home and stole from me. The council has been helping me but some things are priceless.”
“I’m so sorry. If you don’t mind me asking, what did he steal?” I ask.
“Money for starters, but most devastating were a few items from my elite magical collection. I used to have one of the most impressive collections in all of the Americas but the best items are gone.” He sounds furious.
“What were they?” Blaze speaks up and asks.
He eyes us carefully before sighing. “The Confractus Vas, Factorem Larva, and Slabrira Nasc.”
“Is there anything else you can tell us about why Killian might have chosen your home specifically?” I ask.
“I don’t know why he chose me except maybe because I live alone.”
“Thank you for your time. If you think of anything else that might be helpful, please give us a call.” Aksel hands over a business card with his number on it.
Of course, he has a business card.
“Once he’s captured, I assume my property will be returned to me. Right, councilman?”
Aksel raises an eyebrow but smiles diplomatically. “Anything we find will be returned to its rightful owner.”
We turn and leave the man in his home. I figured he would be happier about being alive but to each their own.
Rion is pacing in the living room when we get back. “I don’t like being left behind.”
“Sorry man, not much to do when you share a face with a psychopath,” Griffyn says.
“Once Killian is captured, we will clear your name and you’ll be free to roam the streets as much as you want,” Aksel says.
“With me by your side.” I wrap an arm around his waist and squeeze.
Rion smiles. “What did you learn?”
“Killian did steal things while he was there which isn’t a surprise, but according to Eugine, they were valuable magical artifacts,” I explain.
“I didn’t recognize any of them. Did anyone else?” Aksel asks.
They all shake their heads.
Aksel repeats the artifacts for Rion’s benefit.