“Yes. I have some work to do so I better go do that.”
Blaze stands up and starts to leave but I stop him.
“Thank you, Blaze, for paying my rent so I could keep my apartment. It was incredibly thoughtful of you and I just want to make sure you know how grateful I am.”
I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into a hug. My head rests on his chest and I can hear how fast his heart is beating.
“You’re welcome, Spark.”
He hugs me back, tighter than normal, and starts to walk away. Blaze turns back and catches my eyes with his.
“Will you go on a date with me?” He asks.
I smile, flashing all my teeth.
“I would love to,” I tell him honestly.
He gives me a small smile before leaving. I can hear the front door open and close.
I’m surprised he left but I don’t know much about their responsibilities. I’ve been on this case with them but still don’t know that much about what it means to be an agent.
I need to shower and change before my first day of classes today.
A nervous energy bubbles inside me as I think about what this means. It feels like my very first day when I was a freshman and didn’t even know where to go.
I’m more experienced than that and I don’t need to feel this way. I push those nerves aside as I put on a cute but casual outfit.
Of course, I pair my outfit with a white pair of wedges, for confidence.
Felix and Griffyn are waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, ready to go.
I appreciate that it’s the two of them taking me. They provide the best emotional support and are perfect for today.
We take Aksel’s car and Felix drives us.
“You’re allowed to drive his car?” I ask.
“Ha! He’s only letting me drive because this is for you. It was still a long discussion. He wanted to drop us off but in the end, the safety of an escape vehicle won out.”
That sounds right.
Being back on campus is strange. It was an entire lifetime ago that I was a student here. At least it is the summer session and the campus is emptier than usual.
“So, this is Brickstone University. I liked picturing you in a tiny uniform when you went to school but this is fun too,” Griffyn whispers.
I laugh. “It’s a human university, not a weird private school from your dreams.”
He wraps his arm around me. “A guy can dream.”
It’s easy to find the pretty empty classroom. This is a summer session so that makes sense.
The professor introduces himself and hands out a syllabus. The class sounds interesting as he talks about creative writing.
Griffyn can’t sit still as the class goes on. He’s tapping his foot or wringing his hands.
“How did you ever sit through training to become an agent?” I whisper.
“It was a lot more hands-on,” he responds.