Page 8 of Embraced

Aksel lifts his shirt to show the angry, red cross over his chest. “He never used poison on me before so this will be the first scar I carry as a memory of his abuse.”

I press my fingers next to the wound, careful not to touch it.

“We’ve all been marked by this journey.” I flip up my shirt so he can see the pearly white scars from the bullets. “I still think you’re perfect. I will look at them as a mark of our potential love. You got that X in retaliation for defending me.”

His lips tilt up in the corners. “That’s how I’ll see it, then.”

I hear footsteps coming so I settle back into Aksel’s arms.



Everyone joins us and Aksel starts.

“One more thing, I know we all feel wrecked after everything that happened but we need to follow the lead Rion gave us on finding Killian. The amulet is hurting Anna and it feels like we are running out of time,” Aksel says.

I clutch my head, hating that he’s right.

Felix is staring at me.

“It’s happening right now, isn’t it?” Rion asks.

Blaze growls. “Of course it is. Someone just tried to kill her.”

I put pressure on my temples. “I’m fine. I think Aksel is right but we should all take the night to rest and recuperate before we go in.”

“Anna is right. We need to be in top form to take on Killian,” Rion says.

“We need to end it this time. It’s taking too long. We are better than this,” Blaze growls.

I nod. He’s right. It feels like Killian is just toying with us as we follow his trail. It’s infuriating.

“It’s a plan. Everyone get some rest and charge up. Anna, you come with me.” Aksel grabs my arm gently and pulls me with him.

I glance back to see Griffyn raise his eyebrows so I give him a wink to let him know I’ll come find him later. He needs to feed.

Aksel takes me up to his room.

“I’m overflowing with power from everyone’s negative emotions from tonight. You can feed from me.”

I stare at him. “You’re going to let me feed from you?”

Something clicks and I realize why. I know he’s my mate now. That’s why he never fed me in the past.

“I want you to be strong for tomorrow,” he says.

“And you can offer now that I know you’re my mate, right?”

He grimaces. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you, Anna. I wish it was simpler and you could have known from the start.”

I nod. “I know, I know. It’s just going to take a few more apologies before I’m completely over it but I said we could move forward so we are. If that means I get to drink from you then I’m excited about that.”

Aksel sits down on his bed and pats the spot next to him. I join him. My mouth is salivating.

He tilts his neck and I move before he can change his mind. The angle is a little awkward but I make it work.

The taste of mate is strong in his blood and it overwhelms my senses. My focus is completely centered around Aksel.