That deserves a second chance. I take a deep breath.
“Okay?” He whispers.
“Okay, I’ll give you a second chance but I want the real you and there can’t be any lies between us. Any of us. If we are giving this a chance then we do it right. Otherwise, we give up now. That includes you Blaze, if the other two are getting a second chance then I’ll include you in that. Especially since you told me yourself even though it was too long after we met. I want you to explain your reasoning to me when you’re ready though. Sound good?”
I look around the room, making eye contact with each of them. Felix is grinning around at the others like they’re already brothers. He hops up and shouts his excitement, pumping his fist in the air. I’m glad he’s embracing my decision since he and I are already mated.
Blaze gives me a slow nod but everything else is locked down. He’s such a closed book, I can’t imagine he’s looking forward to sharing his inner thoughts with me.
Aksel’s lips tilt up into a real smile that could make anyone weak in the knees. Both of his eyes look like they’re shining even with the different colors and his straight, white teeth could blind someone.
“You can still make it up to me though, Akshole.”
Aksel nods with a serious expression.
In typical Griffyn fashion, he rolls his eyes. “Does that mean I’m stuck with Aksel for life?” When he looks at me, his eyes are dancing with mirth.
Aksel glares at the incubus.
“So, you were an asshole to keep Anna away? What’s your excuse for the rest of us?” Griffyn asks.
I hid a smile behind my palm.
“I don’t like you,” Aksel says, deadpan.
“What about Rion?” Blaze asks. The tension in the room ramps up immediately.
I clear my throat. “I don’t know yet. We’ve agreed to be honest so I think I should tell you I’m attracted to him and want to see where things go.”
Rion is a mystery. One I’m excited to see unfold even if I could get hurt when it does.
“I don’t like him,” Aksel states unnecessarily.
“Tell us something we don’t know,” Felix retorts. “I think he’s a good guy and he bailed us out tonight. Without him, there’s no knowing what would have happened. We can’t hold his brother against him any more than we can hold Joka against Aksel.”
The dark fae glares at him.
“I hated him when we first found him. He hurt Anna and I wasn’t going to let that go easily, but he makes Anna happy and she deserves that, so I won’t stand in the way,” Griffyn says.
Blaze only grunts and I’m not sure if he agrees or not.
“Can you all please try to get to know him? Give him a chance and we can see where it goes. Please? For me?” I ask.
Their actions won’t affect how I behave with Rion but it would mean a lot to me if they’ll try. We need to somehow go from this group of individuals with so many attitudes to a cohesive unit if we want any chance of this working.
“Fine,” Aksel agrees.
Blaze nods.
I already know Felix and Griffyn agree.
“Then, let’s give this a shot,” I say, nodding my head once.
“I call taking you on a date first,” Griffyn shouts, lifting one hand into the air like he’s in school.
The other three glare at him.