Page 16 of Embraced



We show up at a midsize house in a picture-perfect neighborhood. It has shutters, a porch swing, and even a white picket fence.

“This is where Adelina lives?” Anna asks, shocked.

“I know, it’s hilarious. You pictured something wilder. Her mate, Jen, is very traditional so they live here but Adelina has her style on the inside.”

“That’s beautiful they compromised like that.” I can hear the part she doesn’t say, she’s not sure her mates could find a middle ground like that.

I walk out from the covering of some trees and towards the front door.

“Do they have those trees there so people can transport in without being seen?” Anna asks.

I nod. “It’s small details like this that let you know supernaturals live among normal humans. It looks like an average landscaping choice but it serves a supernatural purpose.”

“I wonder how many little details like this I haven’t noticed since I grew up an unsuspecting human. I didn’t even know to look for them.”

I knock on the front door.

We stand there with neighbors staring at us until the door swings open.

A gorgeous, tall woman with brown curly hair is standing there with a hesitant smile on her face. Adelina made an excellent choice in a mate.

“Aksel?” She asks, confused. She stares at me before realizing Anna is there. She sticks her hand out for her to shake. “I’m Jen.”

“Anna. It’s nice to meet you!”

Her face lights up. “You’re Anna? Oh, Adelina has been talking about you nonstop. I’m glad you’re here even though it’s unexpected.”

“Aksel didn’t tell you we were coming?” Anna asks while side-eyeing me.

Jen laughs. “No, but that’s not surprising. Come on in. I’ll grab Adelina.”

We follow her inside and get comfortable on the couch. Adelina comes in and joins us.

“Anna!” She pulls Anna in for a tight hug and Anna squeezes her back. I’m sure she’s being careful to rein in her vampire strength.

“What are you doing here?” She asks.

Anna sits down next to me and stays silent since I never mentioned why we are here.

Carefully and without emotion, I say, “Joka is missing. His house burned down and the current assumption is that he was inside. I am filling his position until he can be located.”

Adelina tries to blank her face but I can see her excitement. “What does that have to do with me?”

“You’ve always had the right ideas. I’ve been listening all these years when you whispered in my ear. I know you were hoping that one day I would be here. My main priority is Anna and ending any danger to her. I can’t devote myself to the role, to making the necessary steps to introduce change. There’s no one I can think of who would be better at identifying injustice and helping me end it.

Every single person on that council has assistants who handle the day-to-day. I want to be clear, I won’t see you as an assistant even if they do. You’re my trusted advisor. So, what do you think? Will you do it?”

Adelina stares at me with her eyes wide and mouth open. She’s going to have to work harder to hide her reactions if she’s going to spend her time around sharks.

“I think you would be perfect, Adelina. Think of all the good you could do with this much access to the people in power. Aksel will owe you forever so you will have one councilman in your pocket already,” Anna says with a huge smile on her face.

I’m not sure I like her thought process but whatever it takes to get Adelina on board. Having someone I trust so completely is the only way my life won’t be completely derailed by this new position.

I can’t afford any distractions from the second chance Anna is giving me. It’s too important.