Page 1 of Embraced



The ceiling is crumbling around me and my hands are covered in blood.

A stressful dinner became a death sentence when Joka went crazy and tried to kill me. With a poisoned dagger.

“We need to get out of here!” Griffyn shouts. It sounds like he’s speaking through water.

He’s right. The building has been falling around us since Blaze’s dragon decided to make an appearance. How in the world did he do that? One second he was locked up with magic-draining cuffs and the next he shifted.

One second Joka was alive and now he isn’t.

I killed him.

I. Killed. Him.

Someone’s arms wrap around me, pulling me back from the body I’m kneeling over. I glance back to see Aksel behind me. His lips are moving but I can’t make out the words.

Rion stands next to him staring down at me with crazed eyes.

He shakes my shoulders.

Aksel looks up just as a piece of drywall comes crashing down next to us.

His lips move again before he picks me up and starts running. His shoulder digs into my stomach with every step.

I try to breathe but it feels like my lungs have collapsed.

I killed someone.

His blood still covers my hands.

“Snap the fuck out of it, Willson! He deserved to die, it was him or you!” Aksel shouts.

“He really deserved to die,” Rion growls.

His words finally penetrate my brain, burrowing deep and taking root.

Joka was going to kill me. It was him or us. If his son says he should have died, then I need to accept it. At least right now while the world is falling apart.

“I’m back,” I groan, pushing off Aksel’s back.

He comes to a stop, putting me back down.

Both of his hands cup my face as he stares into my eyes.

“Thank fuck, because I need you with me.”

Aksel presses his lips to mine in a brief kiss that’s over much too soon.

“Anna! You’re okay. You’re okay right because I feel like I’m losing my mind here.” Felix grabs me from Aksel and wraps his arms around me tightly.

“Felix, tap into the bond. You can feel that I’m okay,” I only manage to squeak out the words since his hold is so tight.

He presses his nose to my neck and keeps taking deep breaths until they even out.

Griffyn finally shows up, wrapping his arms around Felix and me.