She was still contemplating her actions when her telephone buzzed.

‘Hey, my baby girl,’ she said after answering the call. ‘How are you?’

Hope was wearing a denim dress, with a soft hairband across her head, while she chewed on her giraffe teething toy.

‘Hi Mummy,’ Ben’s voice came from off screen. ‘I am so sorry we haven’t rung until now. It’s been one of those days. Did you get the photos we sent?’

‘I did.’

‘We’ve just been looking at the pictures of you on the boat, and we’re very jealous. Very jealous indeed. Did Fin pay for all that?’

Inside, Holly groaned. The last thing she needed was a reminder of Evan’s generosity, particularly from Ben. Or a reminder of the boat trip. She put the Vespa key down beside her and focused on the conversation.

‘No, it was his friend.’ She kept things as simple as possible. ‘What about you? How was your day? Busy, I take it?’

‘Well, Hope met Georgia, didn’t you, hun?’

‘Oh, and how did that go?’ Holly didn’t know if her voice was neutral or not, but she was somewhat relieved when Ben appeared on the screen, grimacing.

‘Well, first Hope was sick on Georgia’s nice jacket, and then she threw a screaming fit when she tried to hold her. And then, last of all, she dropped the new teddy Georgia gave her into the river.’

Holly’s lips twitched. ‘So, a good start.’

‘We are going to try again next week. If I’m honest, I think she was playing up because she missed you.’

‘I miss you too, Hopey. I miss you so much. But I’m going to see you tomorrow. I can’t believe how quickly the trip has gone.’

‘But it’s been fun. You’ve had a chance to relax?’

‘At times.’

He nodded.

‘I know you were worried about all the business at the shop, but you really don’t need to be. The insurance will cover all the costs, and they’ve already caught the people who were responsible.’

‘That was fast.’

‘Well, apparently one of them mooned a camera in the jeweller’s and had a very identifiable birthmark. Not the smartest tool in the box.’

She was probably meant to laugh, but her mind was still elsewhere, and it didn’t help that she could hear Hope grizzling away.

‘I should probably get going,’ she said, heavy pressure building in her chest. ‘Last night and everything.’

‘I understand. Give the others my love. And be careful. We don’t want any more disasters before tomorrow morning.’

‘Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Can you put Hope back on for me? I want to say goodnight.’

Hope had dropped the giraffe and was now chewing her sleeve instead.

‘I miss you, baby girl.’ Holly’s eyes filled with tears. ‘I love you more than anything in the whole universe. You know that, don’t you?’

Hope gurgled before proceeding to wiggle uncomfortably on Ben’s lap.

‘You should go,’ she eventually said, wiping her eyes as she felt a tickle of a tear slide down her cheek. She told Hope she loved her one more time, before hanging up.

When she put down the phone, she noted the Vespa key still there on the bench beside her. She picked it up and marched into the house, down to the kitchen where the group had just started pouring drinks.

‘Caroline. Jamie. I need you. Now.’