‘You have to have a bath,’ she insisted. ‘If there’s enough room, I’d definitely put one there, under the window.’ She pointed to a square on the screen.


‘Yes. Without a doubt. That way, you can lie in the tub and gaze out of the window.’

‘Okay, so what about on the third floor? Would you leave those showers there?’

‘I think I’d turn one of the rooms into an office.’

Holly had always imagined at some point she would get a chance to renovate her own home, and she’d use all the ideas she’d found from years scouring the internet. She dreamed of posting the perfect before and after photo of her transformations on her social media. But so far, she hadn’t had the opportunity. And it didn’t look like one would come along any time soon. The only renovations she had time to think about were the number of shelves on the shop floor, and even that had been pushed to the back of her mind recently.

‘Do people still soak in baths?’ Evan asked, bringing her back to the moment. ‘It’s not something I do.’

‘Let me guess, you’re the type of guy who only has time for showers.’


Together they sat and looked through various designs, Holly offering as many pros and cons as her limited knowledge of building would allow. Yet every time she made a suggestion, Evan looked at her with a face of complete appreciation as if he would never have to come up with the idea on his own. Which she was almost certain was untrue.

Once or twice, the conversation veered away from the images on the screen into other topics, like the upcoming wedding, or the differences between living in England and America.

His smile was only slight, yet incredibly endearing. How was it possible he didn’t have a girlfriend, she thought, as she forced herself to look away. What was even more impossible was that he had asked her out on a date. Perhaps he envisioned the sweet shop as something grander than it was. Perhaps he thought she was one of these entrepreneurs who planned on opening an empire of chains across the country, rather than being content in her little corner of the Cotswolds. There was no way he could be interested in her, just the way she was, surely?

‘Everything okay?’ Evan’s voice broke her thoughts. ‘You look like you slipped away there.’

Holly’s throat croaked as she tried to think of something to say, but the silence was making it hard to think.

‘Do you hear that?’ Excitement fluttered in her voice.

‘Hear what? I don’t hear anything.’

‘Me neither.’ Holly grinned.

It took him a moment, but a second later, Evan’s eyes glinted with the same sense of excitement and relief.

‘He’s stopped snoring.’

‘He’s stopped snoring.’

The two of them remained there a second longer, revelling in the absolute silence that filled the room. It was so quiet, Holly realised, she could hear her heart beating away, and it was getting faster and faster the longer Evan looked at her.

‘I… I should probably grab a couple of hours’ sleep,’ she said hastily. ‘Assuming there’s a couple of hours left until morning? I’m not even sure what time it is.’

She turned her head to the window. Outside, the sun had begun to bleach the darkness, illuminating thin wisps of cloud that would quickly be burned away by the heat.

‘You’re right,’ Evan said, slipping off his stool. ‘I should probably try to get a couple of hours, too. With all this walking Jamie and Fin have got planned, I suspect I’m going to need it. Not that I need that much sleep, really. Obviously, I need sleep, but you know, I get by on a couple of hours of kip normally. That’s what you Brits call it, right? Kip?’

Holly pressed her lips tightly together, trying to suppress the smile she desperately wanted to show. He was right about one thing: babbling could be cute.

‘I guess I should go up to my room,’ she said, not entirely sure why she was still lingering.

‘Of course. Absolutely. Will you be all right? The snoring might have stopped, but Caroline is still up there. She’s probably taken the entire duvet in your absence.’

Holly chuckled lightly. ‘I don’t doubt it. I guess I’ll have to get the sharp elbows out.’

‘Good luck.’

Forcing herself away, Holly dropped down from the stool. The steps had been manageable, but all the chatter with Evan meant she’d forgotten about her foot, until her heel slammed against the hand marble floor. An involuntary gasp flew from her lips as she grabbed onto the worktop to steady herself.