‘Of course. Just give me one minute.’

A moment later and she heard the thundering of footsteps inside before the front door swung open.

‘I can’t believe you’re here.’ Evan shook his head in disbelief.

‘Me neither.’

Neither of them moved.

‘You stayed the night with Giles. On the boat.’

‘I stayed on the boat,’ Holly agreed, ‘but not with Giles. At least, not in that sense.’

‘But you two talked?’

‘We did.’


Holly’s stomach was a flutter. Never had she felt so excited and so terrified at the same time. Evan was there, standing less than three feet away from her, and all she wanted to do was reach out and touch him, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t yet. Not until she had said what she had needed to say.

‘And I skipped a flight, took a dodgy taxi all the way to Monaco on Fin’s credit card and got thrown out of a heliport. Does that answer your question?’

His eyes glinted as he stared at her.

‘You did all that for me?’

She nodded. Her actions sounded crazy in her head, but they sounded even crazier now that she had said them aloud. ‘I thought…’

All that certainty she had been feeling before, all the crazy notions of destiny and fate and maybe even soul mates, felt so childish. Until there he was. Standing over her. Looking down with a smile toying on his lips.

‘You thought right,’ he said.


Holly caught the flight out of Nice the following morning. Just like the flight in, she sat beside Evan, although there were two key differences between this flight and the one from London. The first was that she wasn’t vomiting constantly. The second was that she was holding Evan’s hand.

‘This was not meant to happen,’ she said, as she rested her head on his shoulder, gazing out the window as the city disappeared beneath them. ‘I was meant to go away to relax and step away from life. Not to come back to England with a new boyfriend.’ She lifted her head up and looked straight at him. ‘Is it too early to use the word boyfriend? I don’t want to if you’re not comfortable.’

Evan shifted back in his seat and viewed her quizzically. ‘I introduced you to my mother before we’d even kissed. I think I can handle the whole boyfriend thing.’

She tilted her chin up so he could kiss her softly on the lips. This wasn’t how she expected finding her one to be. So easy. So natural. But now that it had happened, she couldn’t have imagined it any other way.

‘So, I need to head back to London when we get home, but I thought I might visit at the weekend, if you’re okay with that?’

‘The weekend? As in two days from now?’

‘If that’s okay?’

‘I think I can cope with that.’

‘Great, and I was also planning on coming back here next month. You know Mum said she wanted to come across, and she loves decorating, so I thought maybe we could combine it. I could book you and Hope flights if you’re okay with that.? That way, I’d be able to meet her properly. I know we’ll need to sort out a crib and play things—’ He stopped, noticing Holly’s tightly pressed lips. ‘It’s too fast, right? Am I taking things too fast? Tell me to slow down if you want. I should slow down. I should probably meet her before I start arranging her a room, right?’

As Holly felt her hand in his, and the pressure of his grip around hers, her heart ached. She should be terrified, she thought as she stared up at him. Putting her heart so openly on the line like this could easily end in disaster. But for the first time she ever could remember, she had no doubt about this relationship at all.

‘I think everything is going at exactly the right speed,’ she said.