‘Of course it floats.’

She was only grateful no one was there to see her moment of stupidity, although the two bodies were still swimming directly towards her, and fast.

It was then she realised who it was.

‘Hang on, Holly! I’m coming!’

‘Lie on your back. Stop kicking and lie on your back!’

Evan? Giles? They were racing toward her at an impressive speed, and before she could ask they were doing, they were both upon her.

‘I’ve got you. You’re okay now.’

‘It’s fine. I’ve got hold of her.’

‘Holly, can you breathe? Can you breathe?’

Giles and Evan grappled at her from every direction, with Giles trying to get a hold of her waist, and Evan pulling her back by the chin.

Holly splashed and spluttered as she struggled to kick them both off.

‘It’s okay. I’ve got you.’

‘What are you both doing? Get off me. I’m fine. I’m fine.’

‘You’re okay. You’re going to be fine.’

It didn’t matter how much she tried to shout, they couldn’t hear her. Struggling to breathe, more from the lack of space than the water, Holly swung her feet and arms out simultaneously, clocking Giles across the face, and striking Evan squarely in the groin.

She hadn’t planned on such a harsh action, but it worked and the two dropped away, finally giving her enough time to gather her breath and yell more forcefully.

‘What the hell are you doing?’


‘It was quite funny, now that we know you weren’t in any danger.’ Jamie handed Holly a towel. ‘Giles didn’t even bother to strip. He went in fully clothed. I’m impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever had two men go after me like that.’

‘You’re impressed that they simultaneously almost drowned me while trying to save me?’

Holly wrapped the towel around her.

‘When you put it like that, it doesn’t sound perfect, I’ll admit.’

‘But it was still pretty romantic,’ Caroline added.

‘Holly, can I have a word?’

Holly glanced over her shoulder, only to wish she hadn’t. There was Giles, his hair towel dried and scruffy, a dry shirt still unbuttoned, displaying his tanned body. She’d never seen Giles without a top on before, and it was an unexpectedly glorious image.

‘Go on.’ Jamie nudged her arm. ‘I think he’s earned a conversation at least. And we’ll still be here when you get back.’

She looked across the boat to where Evan was showing Eddie and Sandra how to fish. He had already apologised profusely for the confusion and was probably even more embarrassed than she was. Not that there was any need for him to be at all.

Keeping the towel wrapped firmly around her, she stood up and followed Giles, going up and down various staircases until they came to the bridge.

To Holly, the wordbridgeinvoked images of the stone structures which spanned across Bourton’s river. But this was more like in science fiction films, with amazing spaceships full of flashing screens and colourful images.

It was a far more complex array of dials and screen on this boat than the one they had been waterskiing on. If anything, it was more like the cockpit of a plane. The view offered an even more impressive view of the coastline, which at this moment Holly pretended to be observing; it was an easier option than looking at Giles.