‘I don’t know. I’ve got a lot of past to work with and I need my head to catch up.’

‘I get it. I can do slow too.’ Shifting his position, he gently placed his hand around the back of her neck, and drew her face towards him. If the other kisses had been fireworks, then this one was a volcano.

As a burning heat rose through Holly, everything else disappeared from view, and once again, it felt like it was just her and Evan alone. And she didn’t care what else was going on. All she wanted to do was kiss him like she’d done that morning when everything felt so easy.

She tilted her head towards him, only for a voice to call out from the deck above.

‘Okay folks, this is where we’re going to drop anchor. Who fancies a swim?’

‘Your friend has impeccable timing, you know,’ Evan said, as he shook his head.

‘I don’t know why you’re complaining. This means you get to wear your water shoes, right?’

‘I think you’re mocking me.’

‘Would I do that?’ she said, and kissed him again before standing up and addressing the group. ‘This way for water shoes, people. This ways for water shoes.’


Much to Evan’s delight, both Sandra and Zahida opted for a pair of his neoprene water shoes, although everyone else was either happy to go without, or had no intention of getting into the water.

‘Water sports are different. For swimming, I am solely a heated pool kind of guy,’ Spencer said with his eyes closed as he laid back on his towel.

‘Sometimes I don’t understand how we are still friends,’ Fin replied.

‘I’m worried about my skin with the sea water.’ Eddie also had no intention of swimming. ‘I had a reaction to a Himalayan sea salt bath one time, and I think submersion in salt water might result in adverse effects.’

‘You can just say you don’t want to go in the sea,’ Tyler mocked.

As the boys continued to bicker, Holly scanned the view, only to spot Giles on the deck above her, though the moment she caught his eye, he turned hurriedly away. Good, she thought. That was good. Any time he was out of sight was time she could focus on enjoying Evan’s company. Perhaps if he’d just stop lingering, it would be even better.

Evan’s concerns about things brushing up against his feet when he couldn’t see seemed completely unwarranted, given how crystal clear the water was. Once again, shoals of tiny, white fish danced around them, this time iridescent in the light.

‘Is it deep enough to jump in?’ Jamie asked Giles. Holly found it strange seeing him in crisp whites, rather than his typical salmon-pink polo shirt, though the white highlighted his tan exceptionally well.

‘Absolutely. The currents are pretty mild round here too. It’s a good place to swim. One of my favourites, actually.’

As he looked at Holly, she felt herself shrink away from his gaze. How could such an open space could feel so very penned-in? As enormous as it was, the entire boat felt claustrophobic. Then again, she realised, she didn’t have to stay on it.

‘Go on then, give me a pair of those shoes,’ she said to Evan, taking the ones he was holding before turning to face Caroline. ‘Are you up for it?’

‘Those look bigger than you need,’ Evan said, still rummaging in his canvas bag. ‘Hold on a second and I’ll find a pair that fits better.’

‘It’s fine. They feel fine.’

‘Are you sure?’


Less than a minute later, Holly was standing on the edge of the boat, right next to Giles. Her heart was pounding in her chest again, but she was certain it was just adrenaline from the impending dip in the sea. After all, since when had she been nervous around Giles?

‘I can just jump off? I can just jump off here?’

‘Yes, if you want.’

She did, and so she jumped.

The gasp that left her lips was a mixture of shock from the cold, and relief at the freedom that came with no longer being on a confined vessel with Giles and Evan. But as the water settled around her, all the peace of the open sea flooded through her. And it lasted less than a heartbeat.