‘It’s fine,’ Holly insisted. ‘Honestly, it was just a little bump.’

As Holly was the one who had felt the knock on the head and therefore considered herself in the best position to determine how severe the situation was, she thought that was that.

She expected the woman to accept her answer, but instead, she called, ‘Is there a medic aboard?’ Her voiced shrilled above the noise of the bustling passengers. ‘We need a medic. And ice. We need an ice pack.’

‘We don’t. We don’t need a medic or an ice pack.’ Holly’s cheeks burned hotter and hotter by the second. ‘Honestly, I’m okay. It was just a bump.’ The woman was bouncing on her feet, scanning up and down the plane, seemingly oblivious to Holly’s pleas. ‘We really don’t need an ice pack. I’m fine. I’m fine. It’s just a bruise.’

She was about to shout over the woman again when a hand pressed against her shoulder. With all the commotion the woman was causing, Holly had almost forgotten Evan was even there. With his eyes on hers, he lifted his hand, and hovered his fingers above the spot where she could feel a bruise blooming.

‘It was a big knock you took.’ He touched her forehead with his fingertips, causing her to wince. ‘I know you British hate a fuss of any sort, but I think she might be right. Maybe it would be better to be safe and have someone check you out.’

‘I just want to sit down.’

His eyes locked on hers with the type of intensity that made her skin turn clammy, and for a split second, she thought he was going to refuse and join the woman in yelling for a medic. But he nodded and stood back against his seat, giving her room to get past.

As she clipped on her belt, Holly sat down and had just opened her book when the air steward arrived.

‘Yes, that’s her.’ The woman with the nails pointed at Holly. ‘She had a bump on the head. I think you need to check it out before she flies.’

Two minutes later, Holly was having a torch shone in her eyes while simultaneously having to follow an index finger back and forth.

‘You’ve got quite a lump coming up there,’ the steward said when she’d stopped waving her fingers about. ‘Tell me, any dizziness. Nausea?’

‘I mean, the whole thing is so embarrassing, it’s making me feel sick, if that counts?’

‘What about your vision, any blurriness?’

‘Other from the champagne I had before boarding?’

The crew member stiffened. ‘Madam, are you intoxicated?’

‘No, it was a joke.’ Holly cursed her ability to say exactly the wrong thing in the attempt at humour. ‘I mean, I had a little champagne, but no, honestly, I am fine. My vision is fine. I don’t feel sick. I’ve just got a bruised head, and bruised ego. That’s all.’

‘And you feel fine to fly?’

‘Better than fine. Well, no, not better. I want to fly. I can fly. I am fine to fly, that’s what I’m saying.’

The woman studied her for a moment longer, before standing up and moving into the aisle.

‘I’m all right with you flying, but I need you to let me know if anything changes. Any dizziness, sudden sickness. And try to stay awake just in case there is any mild concussion.’ The steward turned to Evan. ‘Are you travelling together?’

‘We are.’

‘Then I would ask you to keep a close eye on her and inform us if there are any worrying signs.’

‘That would be my pleasure.’

Finally, Holly was left alone to let out a long sigh of relief.

‘You know how to make a scene, don’t you?’ Evan’s eyes glinted.

‘Not intentionally. Believe me, all I want is to read my book and get through this flight without any more drama.’

‘I’m sure that’s doable. No more drama. Easy.’

‘Exactly. Easy.’

* * *