Page 67 of Emma & Edmund

"Oh no, you won't escape an explanation. Edmund, you'rehere.And you would expect me to simply accept it with nothing but a bit of banter?"

"I wouldn't consider my question banter." Even as his words could have cut, nothing but joy radiated from him.

It was infectious, his warmth spreading into Emma's heart and body so fully, so rapidly, the world melted away. Belmont did not exist on the mortal plane, floating high on a cloud. That was exactly how Emma felt when Edmund's sturdy, strong arm wrapped around her waist, clamping her tightly to him for just a moment before the dance continued.

The thrill was only heightened by the eyes glued to them, blind to the Edmund only apparently she could see.

"It was that witch, Molada," he whispered only just above the music, words breezing over her ear in the brief moment the dance brought them close enough, only to pull him away once more. “I found her wandering the woods again last night.”

"What do you mean?" She tried to sound demanding but had to hastily reign in a scowl as his grin turned sly. Such a look did not bode well for clarity.

Waiting only just long enough to pull her close to his chest, the proper steps were discarded, only swaying just enough to be considered dancing. If prying eyes had been distracted, Emma could practically feel them refocusing.

Although, it was hard to find a thought to care, not when Edmund looked upon her with such charm, such sincerity, that decorum felt like nonsense.

"I begged for just one night", he began, never looking away from her. "If I can never truly live among men, I can be satisfied with just one night. She offered a spell, and I took it."

"So, it is truly a spell cast upon your guests?"

"I suppose, or temporary insanity. The full details were not offered, but what else could explain this?"

"But how can I see you, as you truly are?"

A spark flickered through his eyes. "Perhaps because you've always known."

Only a swish of skirt against her own broke Emma from her trance, alerting her to the fact they were very much not alone. Just in time, the tune of the band began to wind down, and with it, parted the couples around them.

When Edmund released her hand and hip, a chill prickled Emma's skin.

"I suppose you have to attend to your list," Emma mumbled, unwilling to admit her disdain for the loss of his touch, bitterness filling the space abandoned by wonderment.

"My list?"

"Of course," she answered, already turning on her heel to leave the dance floor. "I heard I was third, after all. Surely, there must be a fourth."

She did not expect the sudden presence at her back, the hot breath on her neck.

"I chose as I did to-"

"Good evening, Lord Lockhart." With her chin high in the air, Emma ignored the looks and whispers surrounding her, even as a line of girls vied to Edmund's side.

Let them, she thought. Why should she care?

Gliding on the wings of her pride, poise guiding every move, Emma tried her best to float across the floor, almost immediately meeting the glassy eyes of her brother when she turned towards the gathered crowd.

Despite the glass in his hand, Jonathan Thompson was doing his very best to appear as a befuddled, slighted chaperone.

"And who's that?" He slurred at her, pointing a wobbling finger over her shoulder.

Refusing to turn around and face Edmund captured in another dance, Emma simply shrugged. "Why, dear brother, he is our benevolent host."

"Edmund Lockhart, at your service." A thick forearm shot past her temple, an open mossy palm presented to the elder sibling. Stamping down the sudden wave of heat at the feeling of Edmund on her back, Emma plastered a pout to her face.

"Lord Lockhart, at long last," Jonathan said as he took the presented hand, giving it a firm shake. "That was quite a display, sir. Perhaps we should talk?"

"Jonathan...," Emma began, warning in her words. Her brother was correct, but in his state, it was doubtful he would be successful in not starting an even larger scene.

"I have been anxiously awaiting the chance," Edmund cut in again. "Perhaps over the billiard tables?"