Page 14 of Fanged Interest

“I’ll leave you to it then. Goodnight, Jordan.”

“Sky?” My name on her lips again. I froze in the doorway, my quivering body at her beck and call.

She hesitated, her voice dropping to nothing more than a whisper. “You can stay. If you want to.”

We settled under the covers together. I could feel Jordan’s naked body, warm and welcoming beside me. After a minute of silence, I rolled to face her, our noses nearly touching, and found the vampiress watching me.


The ghost of a smile haunted her lips. “Says the one who spied on my bath time.”

I couldn’t argue with that. Fatigue tugged at my conscious mind, but I had one more question to ask. “Jordan, what did that vampire mean bymarkme?”

Jordan bit her lip and winced, my earlier handiwork had left it swollen and pink. “It’s something that mates do—an act of consummation. It would bind them together for life.”

“I see.”

I drew her closer, curling an arm around her waist as Jordan tangled her legs with mine. My senses were heightened, I felt her damp hair seeping water over my shoulder. I felt her breath on my neck.

My own breath hitched when Jordan pressed her lips to my skin, right over the pulse in my throat. I went very still, my grip tightening on her thigh. For a brief moment, I thought she was going to bite me. I thought maybe I wanted her to.

But instead, she merely inhaled deeply, drawing in my scent, and sighed into my skin.

Sleep came quickly after that, finding us wrapped tightly in each other’s arms.

Chapter 7


LeavingasleepingSkyin my bed the following morning was close to torture.

Upon my arrival at the High Stakes headquarters, Max, my rather nosy receptionist, pounced immediately.

“I take it things are going well with that new human of yours?” she purred, sliding out of her chair to trot after me when I made a break for the elevator. “Aw, come on, Jordan, give me the details. You know I love this kind of stuff!”

“Maxine, darling, I hired you to handle the front desk, not my dirty laundry.” I mashed the elevator button repeatedly, desperate to hide my burning face from the beaming vampire.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the elevator finally arrived, only for it to turn into a groan when the doors slid open to reveal Hunter, my equally nosy sales assistant.

The dark-haired woman arched her brow, taking in Max’s cheery demeanor and my exasperated expression. “You had sex last night, didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t!” I snapped, shoving past her into the elevator and sucking in a deep breath. “It wasn’t like that.”

Max elbowed past Hunter and squeezed in beside me, the elevator doors shutting again before I could change my mind. “Butsomethinghappened. You practically floated into the building.”

I remained silent, avoiding the two pairs of expectant eyes as the elevator took us to the top floor. Max leaned closer and Hunter followed suit, both of them begging with their eyes for a drop of intel.

“I don’t pay you to pry into my personal affairs.”

Max pouted, turning her syrupy pleading up tenfold. Hunter simply blinked, her deadpan expression somehow coaxing the words off the tip of my tongue.

“Okay! Maybe we kissed—but nothing else happened!” I folded my arms with a frown and leaned back against the side of the cramped box. “All right? There’s nothing else to tell. Now will you please stop pestering your poor boss?”

They did not let it go for the rest of the day.

By the time 5 pm rolled around, I had holed up in my office, locking the door behind me to finally catch a break. The events of last night felt like a dream, the only proof that it actually happened being my bruised bottom lip and my freshly-washed hair.

Leaning back in my chair I ran a finger over my lips, recalling the memory through a blissful fog. I wasn’t sure how things between me and Sky had escalated so quickly. I had known from the start that I wanted her, but until recently it had not occurred to me that the feeling might be mutual. Although I had plenty of fleeting romances under my belt, nobody had ever kissed me like that.